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Tia & Mia

(a.k.a. The Two-Timing Twins)

As a circus owner, you want to keep the mood light and happy for everyone.   So, what do you do when a disgruntled visitor, or opportunistic thief, threatens to ruin the fun? How do you have guards that aren't intimidating, and end up causing the guests even more stress?     Your two problems have two answers, and they rhyme.   Tia and Mia started their lives at the circus aged twelve, when they decided to pick the pocket of a man in a bright red travelling cloak. No sooner had their little hands touched purse strings than both of them were dangling two feet in the air, from surprisingly strong hands.   Instead of punishment, however, their target-cum-captor had something rather more imaginative in mind. The Half-Elf twins were put to work as pickpocket hunters, earning a commission for ne’er-do-wells removed and property returned. Overnight, thievery at the Top of the World Circus dropped to almost nothing. Almost nothing. The sisters flourished in an environment where the proprietor wanted problems dealt with swiftly, quietly, and with a minimum of moral high ground.   The ‘Two-Timing Twins’ act was born after Mia pinned a fleeing thief to a stall with a knife. From fifteen feet away. Onlookers swore that there were at least three people inbetween. After that, the sisters became an audience magnet. They could nail a silk handkerchief to a target from twenty feet away, and pick an apple off a head from twenty-five. Blades in their hands became weightless, poetic objects that amazed and terrified in equal measure, and the best sign of a show’s success was how wide a berth the sisters were given in town the day after.   Very few people would describe the circus life as monotonous, but eventually the twins tired of the long wagon trips and the short breaks, not to mention the litany of unknown cities, with unknown patrol routes and unknown alleys. When Flip Krongovsko expressed an interest in building a permanent home, Tia saw an opportunity. The sisters spent some time sketching their dream tavern, and it turned out that Flip Krongovsko enjoyed the numerous secret panels, stashes and rooms that the dream included. The twins had accidentally designed A Trip Away Inn, and it’s very possible that no one outside of those three truly knows the entire building.   Once the tavern was up and running, the mysterious identical twins act could fall away, and each sister enjoyed exploring their own path. Tia has started a small garden out behind the inn, while Mia is more of a social figure during her time off work. If she’s honest with herself, Mia does occasionally miss the open road, but her sister has quite literally put down roots, and there’s no chance that she’d leave her behind. Besides, there are plenty of drunken tavern-goers to practice her skills on if she’s ever bored.
Current Location
Current Residence
A Trip Away Inn
She / Her
Light Green
Long, Brown Ponytails
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Skin
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Thieves' Cant

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