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A village in The Empire Of Man


The village elder presides over any dealing the the folk of Tiverton

Industry & Trade

The main trade from tiverton was the goods they gained from the yearly harvest of the dungeon


1 X Mill


1 X F Rank Dungeon (Destroyed) 1 X Mill 1 X Trading Post 1 X Elder House

Guilds and Factions

The Farmers


Tiverton was started 150 years ago by Max and Maureen Tiverton, sick of the oppression and high tax rates in Bandemere they decided to strike out on their own, head towards the great mountains of the lost lands and see how far they got, gathering everything they had and a group of loyal friends they head out.
Little did they know that the reason they were called the lost lands was due to the fact that a lot of the mountains look the same to the untrained eye, and the Tivertons were very very untrained.
Resigning themselves to heading back to Bandemere they headed back north, getting lost yet again in the hilly areas to the south of Bandermere, that night a terrible storm hit the hills, what was once dry packed earth became a very sudden and very fast flowing waterway. Taking refuge in a cave they found the party of nearly 30 people decided that I may be best when the storm broke in the morning to find the biggest hill they could and set up a permanent camp there.
A vote was called and passed with the majority of people voting to stay put and not head back to the city, this became the way to do things in Tiverton, if anyone had an idea that may benefit the village of its people, a vote would be called.
The morning broke and the people filed out of the cave stock was taken of what they had left and a search party sent out to find the biggest hill they could. This would later become the birthplace of Tiverton and the cave? So, so much more.
Years passed and with the skills and money the people of Tiverton had brought with them they made a life for themselves, the plentiful supply of wolves and wolf pelts making the village as much money as was needed, everything was shared.
Despite the hills and valleys not being particularly suitable for pastures and crops, visitors to the town would find a mill working away and a veritable wealth of fruits and vegetables readily available. If asked about them, the villages would only reply "it's all thanks to the caves".
Recent history: 20 years ago a plague swept through Tiverton, as it did many of the other homesteads boardering the lost lands, rumours flew regarding its source, from a vengeful god, to just a bad batch of grain from the dungeon, many of the residents fled Tiverton, heading to either Bandemere , or South Warren, and the hopeful safety of the larger towns. Some safety was found and eventually the plague was brought to a halt some people returned to their homes, the others still remain at the town's, making their own new, and forging their own path forward.


The village of Tiverton is surrounded by hills and caves

Natural Resources

The caves: When the first villagers settled here a few of them went off to find good pastures for both animals and field farming, that party got lost within the hills and stumbled across the dungeon.
Seeking shelter from the weather they went into the cave hoping for a dry place to camp for the night, unfortunately whilst they were sleeping they were attacked by something and died there, nothing was ever seen of them again, but a week or so later another group, searching for the first stumbles across the cave, venturing inside they found it was full of tiny sprouting fields of all different types of crops, and a few small rabbit were hopping around as well.
The second party made their way back to the village and explained what they had seen in the cave, this time the whole village came to see what the fuss was all about, upon seeing the cave and the sprouting fields the villager through their prayers had been answered. Killing the rabbits for the meat and their pelts the villages went back to town marking the way back so they would not lose this cave of wonders again.
A week later a scout party went back to the cave to see if there were more rabbits to hunt, upon entering they found there were no rabbits and the sprouts had not grown at all, in fact some of the fields were now bare.
Researching dungeons allowed the villagers to realise they had depleted some of the dungeons energy and had given nothing back to it, and thus began the yearly harvest of Tiverton, each year the village sends a few skilled farmer to go to the dungeon, harvest what the dungeon has provided, and provide the dungeon with more seeds and fertiliser for the following year, the dungeon is then left for the whole year with no one even allowed to go near it until the next group go.
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