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The Masked Lord

Standing for the Dark Elves' superiority over other races, and for the primary individual Drow over other Drow, Vhaeraun is a God of arrogance; assassins and thievery.   He condones all acts of avarice, fair and foul alike. And those who take what they want from whom they wish, whether through stealth or bullying, pay homage of him.   Among the male gods of the Dark Seldarine, he is as widely recognised and accepted as Keptolo. But Vhaeraun represents a different aspect of Drow masculinity: strong, silent, obedient, swift and deadly. He is considered to be Lolth's favoured son.   Due to his high status among the Dark Seldarine (for a male), and because of his arrogance, a few of his worshipers look on him as an advance of equality between male and female Drow. But that heresy, when expressed openly, is liable to be savagely crushed by the priestesses of Lolth.

Divine Domains

Trickery, War


Nightshadow, a longsword   Shadowflash, a shortsword

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black mask with blue glass lenses inset over the eyes

Tenets of Faith

Many of Vhaeraun's followers honour him by trying to carve out better lives for themselves, an act which is actively tolerated. Though his followers rarely appear without masks to conceal themselves, this practice exists in part because Vhaeraun himself has never been portrayed as unmasked, and partly because the anonymity is a wise precaution when one challenges the social structure of the Drow in even a small way.   To quash any challenge to the matriarchy that Vhaeraun might inspire in his followers, some Drow communities preach that he wears a mask to hide the terrible scars from the wounds inflicted on him by Lolth as punishment for his arrogance. His silence, too, is part of his punishment, for his tongue was removed for questioning Lolth's orders.   Worshipers of Vhaeraun who believe this dogma sometimes ritually scar and silence themselves as signs of their devotion, and then serve as voiceless, masked bodyguards for the matrons of their house.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The shadows of the Masked Lord must cast off the tyranny of the Spider Queen and forcibly reclaim their birth right and rightful place in the Night Above. The existing Drow matriarchy must be smashed, and the warring practices of twisted Lolth done away with, so that the Drow are welded into a united people, not a squabbling gaggle of rival Houses, clans and aims. Vhaeraun will lead his followers into a society where Drow once again reign supreme over the other, lesser races, and there is equality between males and females.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

When appearing to mortal eyes, Vhaeraun appears as a tall, slim and handsome male Drow with long red hair. He has a graceful and toned physique. He has a gold mask covering the top part of his face, though his colour changing eyes remain ever visible. His eyes are said to change dependant on his mood: red for rage; blue for happiness; green for puzzlement.    Always clad in black leather armour, he additionally appears in a protective cloak of shadows, which allow him to become invisible and to teleport.
Divine Classification
God of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Masked Lord, The Masked God of Night, The Masked Mage, The Shadow, The Lord of Shadow, Shadow Lord


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