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Xarith Inari


This Half-Elven woman stands as the current Keeper of Clan Ghloren, chosen by her predecessor (Keeper Marius) to be his apprentice when she was around thirteen years old.   Xarith is brash, loud, unafraid and rarely backs down. Though sometimes confrontational when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of her loved ones, she has a heart of gold and would willingly sacrifice herself for any of them.   As a child, Xarith grew up alongside her Crib-Mates: Mourungar; Jhoren; Vilafisk and Adellian.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xarith stands at an average 5"8 and is a very strongly built woman. She has the appearance of someone who is built for long and drawn out fights; muscular but still carrying the traditional lith Elven frame.   She wears her black hair in a side swept style, intricatedly braided along the exposed scalp. She has worn, tanned skin and bright blue eyes, her face is decorated by swirling green tattoos, patterned like rolling waves.

Apparel & Accessories

Xarith is rarely seen out of rough tunics and hide trousers, road-worn boots and simple leather armour.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xarith was born into Clan Ghloren and was placed with her Crib-Mates to grow together and forge strong bonds with one another, something she took very seriously and continues to adhere to even into adulthood. She percieves her Crib-Mates as siblings, closer than blood.   Her life has been one of joyful nomadic wandering, enjoying the freedom of the lifestyle the Clan follows. She is naturally quite strong and physically adept, leading her to learn martial defence to better protect the Clan while on the road from a young age.   At the age of ten, she and her Crib-Mates found a stranded Half-Eladrin, called Yen'Zora, unconscious in the forest, they took her in and cared for her. Xarith has treated Yen'Zora like another sister from the moment they found her, and was overjoyed when the Clan agreed to take her in as one of theirs, assessing that she had no where else to go.   Around the age of thirteen, Keeper Marius asked her to be his apprentice, to take on the mantle when his time came to relinquish it. With some coaxing from Mourungar, she eventually accepted.   Following the release of the Long Dark by Kasri, Keeper Marius was killed by the shadows, and Xarith was forced to take up his position to protect the Clan and lead them to safety. She struggled immensely and felt like she was failing. In her struggles and self doubt, she asked Yen'Zora to be her Shadow Keeper, to help her with the decision making and the tact that she lacked.

Personality Characteristics


Xarith desires nothing more than the protection, prosperity and floushing of her family. To see them safe and well, and fulfilling their purpose is everything to her.


Family Ties

Mourungar   Jhoren Vord   Vilafisk   Adellian (deceased)  
Close Friend:
Yen'Zora Tarith
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Known Languages
Common, Elvish


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