Clan Ghloren
One of the many Nomadic Clans of the The Empire of the Rune Keepers, Clan Ghloren lives the traiditonal roaming lifestyle of the Elven people, wandering the Empire's forests and doing passing trade among their other Clan-kin.
Clan Ghloren is known to be on good terms with Clan Phalynthos, Clan Solistya, Clan Eclipsian and the Stormherder Tribe.
Akin to many of these Clans, Ghloren is made up of multiple families with differening family names, and subraces of the Elven people (moon, sun, wood, wild, drow), but function as one large family. They are all "Ghloren". They are at present one of the largest Nomadic Clans to house predominantly Half Elves, with very few of their number being full blooded.
Like many of the other Nomadic Clans, Clan Ghloren worshops the Seldarine fiercely, with many of the Rangers, Scouts, and Hunters following the path of Solonor Thelandira. Many of their healers are Clerics of Sehanine Moonbow and Hanali Celanil. Their Paladins often seek Oaths from Corellon Larethian; Shevarash and Fenmarel Mestarine. Their Druids say prayers of thanks to Rillifane Rallathil and Aerdrie Faenya.
It is one of their percieved duties as a Clan to travel to sites of religious importance within the forests, areas where protective talismans and shrines have been erected in centuries long past, ensuring their are kept cleansed and in good condition to promote the continued longevity and protection of the Empire and the Elven people.
Like all Nomadic Clans, Ghloren is guided and lead in times of hardship by a sole Keeper. The Keeper is the head of the Clan, the one who decides where they will travel to next; coordinates their trade with outsiders and decides how best to protect the entire Clan. It is a role of great responsibility and weight, and Keepers are looked up to with great respect for the role they play.
At present, the Keeper of Clan Ghloren is Xarith Inari.
The Clan's Keeper is known to take an apprentice to whom they can pass all their knowledge, wisdom and teachings to continue the protection and guidance of the Clan once their time has come to step down. On rare occassions, a Keeper who might feel ill prepared for their role might take a Shadow Keeper. An individual who assists in make decisions behind the scenes so as not to upset the flow of authority.Crib-Mates:
Crib-Mates are often small groups of Clan members who are born around the same time frame and are partnered together to become friends growing up. They often forge strong bonds close to those of siblings, and promote prosperity and teamwork from chilldhood into adulthood.Culture
Many of the members of Clan Ghloren are devout followers of the Seldarine, with Clerics and Paladins empowered by them, and Rangers dedicated to the fulfilment of tenets set down by them in ages long past.
It is their percieved duty to wander the Rune Keepers and ensure the talismans, wards, and shrines of the Seldarine Gods are kept in good condition and continue to cast their net of protection throughout the forests.
The Clan worships the Seldarine as a whole, but it is not uncommon to find that the most popularly followed Gods among them are: Corellon Larethian; Sehanine Moonbow; Solonor Thelandira and Rillifane Rallathil.