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Zinzerena (zin-zuh-RAY-nuh)

The Hunted

As the patron of assassination, illusions, and lies, Zinzerena personifies cruelty, stealth, misdirection, and survival by any means necessary. In some ways, Malyk is her reflection, and in many interpretations of the age-old stories, the two gods are siblings or lovers. But Zinzerena is more palatable to female Drow than @Malyk, and she condones the study of arcane magic.   The liturgy of Zinzerena is passed on in the form of folk tales, for her faith has no place among the leadership of Drow society. Her tales usually describe her hiding and waiting until her foes are weakened or lax in their attention before she attacks. Those who respect or revere Zinzerena are almost always of modest social status, or worse. Even the most prestigious of noble estates, where a high priestess reigns supreme, might have a number of her followers among the commoners who work as servants and staff. Only the most capricious of nobles would enter her priesthood, though some have done so. Inevitably, when such traitors are discovered, they are cast out from their houses. Ironically, these maverick nobles often become leading figures in Zinzerena's cult, for they are the best educated and most politically experienced of her followers. Her adherents come from a wide range of occupations, including common thieves, laborers, guides, physicians, poets, and nearly any other profession. What they all share is a rebellious spirit and a desire for change.   In some stories, Zinzerena is Lolth's daughter, who was spirited away and hidden from her by illusions. In other tales, she begins life as a mortal elf who uses glamour's to trick her way into the company of the gods. Regardless, Zinzerena always has some element of illusion magic about her, and she uses it and other deceptions to get the better of more powerful opponents. Deceit and taking advantage of others' weaknesses are recurring themes in the tales of her exploits. The only figure in the Dark Seldarine immune to Zinzerena's deceptions is Lolth, although even the Queen of Spiders is sometimes tricked when Zinzerena shifts blame for her actions onto others.   Not many female Drow devote their lives to the study of magic, because it's held to be a low-status avocation more suited to males. Most females who pursue it seriously do so in secret. Even rumours that a Drow matron practices arcane magic, if they aren't quashed, can sabotage her standing in society. Yet there's no denying that knowledge of arcane magic could be a great boon to an ambitious female. Zinzerena's worshipers encourage this pursuit and offer tutelage and tools in exchange for a candidate's alliance with Zinzerena's secret cult.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shortsword draped with cloth

Tenets of Faith

Zinzerena is completely adored by Drow who seek to throw off the oppression of the matron mothers. Those revere or simply respect her are almost always of modest, or lower social status. Her clerics and adherents ranging in progression from common rogues, laborers, guides, physicians, poets, courtesans, to almost any other occupation.   Most clerics of Zinzerena are also trained as fighters or rogues, but Zinzerena also condones the study of arcane magic.   According to her teachings, one is to raise themselves up by bringing others down. As patron of assassins and chaos, she teaches the importance of stealth and misdirection, as well as doing whatever it takes to get by. Her followers are not to reveal true feelings, nor their strength, until the one they plan to use it on is helpless, only striking when they have the advantage. Humiliation is also in her portfolio and cruelty is part of her creed, with her adherents encouraged to make time to gloat before the kill, as "the legs of the spider are made to be broken".

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the Goddess:

Though a mistress of disguise, Zinzerena commonly takes the form of a dexterous looking cloaked and masked female Drow. Her long white hair is heavily braided and often pinned in place with spare throwing knives or daggers. Her skin is a dark obsidian shade and her eyes are a traditional Drow crimson.
Divine Classification
Goddess of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Princess of the Outcasts, The Hunted


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