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The City Ember

Welcome to the City of Ember

Capital of Valdra , a bustling town home to many creatures! While founded by Elves, this city is now home to many Half-Elves, Humans, Teiflings, Dragonborn, Dwarfs, and Halflings. These city streets are filled with an array of vendors, as well as some long-established shops! The City of Ember is known for its scalding weather, so make sure to dress appropriately adventurer!      


There are three main aspects to the system of Government is Valdra:

The House Floor:

The house floor is where regular civilians can come to regularly held meetings and be involved in the formation of bills and legislation. All higher-held positions of office can join House Floor as well. This aspect of the governing system is often used to let citizens get acquainted with Councilmen in office and those running for office. It also is in place to assure the people that they do indeed have a say in their legislation.

The Council:

The Council is comprised of 60 elected citizens of Valdra. Often time, these citizens come from the City Ember, since those living in the city have easier access to the Open Floor. The Council is split into 3 parties, each comprised of 20 members. While the parties have changed over time, the current parties are as follows:
The Firelanders: The oldest group of the three. Their politics tend to be against higher landowning taxation but for higher sales taxes, they tend to stay on the more conservative side of social politics, and many of the members are from elite families.
Flame of Freedom: Formed in the 412 LE, comprised of a group concerned mostly with social matters. This party tends to have strong opposition towards War, instead, they favor foreign relation building. This includes being the party to send representatives and participate in cultural exchanges.
The Red Party: Formed in 1358 LE, comprised of the mostly younger Council members. This party focuses its efforts on internal affairs, especially development and local growth.

The Flame Matriarch:

The Flame Matriarch is the highest political office in Valdra. The office is determined by election every 10 years, by the people of Valdra. The Matriarch resides in the City Ember, the capital of Valdra. She oversees political, financial, social, aspects within the country as well as handles many foreign affairs.


1. Housing District
2. Nobles Housing District
3. Merchants District
4. Governing District
5. Knights District
6. Sewers/Mines

Points of interest

Shops of Intrest:

Shop Name: Type: Hours:
Tree of Life Apothecary 24/7
Hann's Hearth Inn 24/7
Pyro Pub Bar 3pm - 3am
Flame and Smoke Blacksmithy 8am - 8pm
Ember Elemental Magic Item Shop 7am - 5pm
Eli's Tattoo Parlor Tattoo Parlor 10am-8pm

Other Local Locations:

Location Name: Type: Hours:
City Ember School of Magic College 6am-6pm
City Ember Knights Acadamy College Visiting Hours: 1pm-5pm
Capital Building - The Trifecta Government Visiting Hours: 9am-3pm
by Esporiia
Founding Date
10016 FE
Alternative Name(s)
Hell’s City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by dinabelenko
This article has no secrets.


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