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Tol Leyemil, City of Elves

Nestled among the southern foothills of the Rock-Teeth Mountains, the most ancient elven city of Etharis stands as a monument to a proud race. Here, one can see elven architecture that predates even the Bürach Empire. It’s impossible to tell precisely how long the city has been standing, as the archives of Tol Leyemil are closed to non-elves. However, elves of all origins and subraces are welcomed and accepted here, like wandering children returning to their ancestral home. Thus, Tol Leyemil has been called the Last Free Elven City, the final stronghold of the Fair Folk.   Tol Leyemil employs an unusual system of government. The city is ruled by an elven assembly known as the Achen Elavain, which is composed of members drawn from the city’s populace. While they are not part of the council, the Bondmaker shamans also have a say in the government’s decisions, as they represent the will of nature itself.   Tol Leyemil maintains an alliance with the Charneault Kingdom, but relations have since soured with the dark elf curse. Racial enmity has flourished once again on both sides, affecting bilateral agreements. Some of the more radical human knights have accused the elves of tightening their supply of ore, which in turn has impacted Charneault’s supply of weapons. Meanwhile, a growing sector of elves are demanding that humans return lands they claim have been stolen from their nation. No violence has occured yet between these two sides, but with these escalating provocations, that may not hold true for long.

Trade & Transport

Much like the humans of the Charneault Kingdom, the elves rely heavily on fishing for their subsistence. Unlike the humans, however, they do not only fish in the rivers. As Tol Leyemil is a short river cruise to the sea, many fishing vessels come and go along the coast. The coast also shelters many well-maintained orchards that benefit from the temperate climate and provide heavy yields of fruits that are used for food and wines, the recipes for which are well-guarded secrets of the elven growers.
Geopolitical, City-state
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