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The Bürach began as a group of neighbouring tribes that settled in the north eastern part of Etharis. Over the years, some of these tribes grew in size and stature, and either conquered or absorbed other tribes. Thus, they became the Bürach, which in the olden tongue means “One Above All”.   The Bürachi are mostly Caucasian white humans with varying other races in their rows. haircolors vary between brown, black, red and highly regarded blonde. The most common eyecolor is blue but other eyecolors are common too.   the names of towns and people are related to the german culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alma, Amalia, Berta, Charlotte, Emma, Eleonor, Frederike, Franka, Frieda, Hanna, Henriette, Irma, Johanna, Karla, Karolina, Luisa, Lotte, Mathilda, Margarete, Thea, Theresa, Viktoria

Masculine names

Benno, Eike, Fridolin, Friedrich, Fritz, Georg, Henri, Johann, Karl, Kaspar, Konrad, Leopold, Maximilian, Oskar, Otto, Richard, Theodor, Wilhelm, Jürgen, Günther,

Family names

Müller, Schmidt, Schneider, Fischer, Weber, Schäfer, Meyer, Wagner, Becker, Bauer, Hoffmann, Schulz, Koch, Richter, Klein, Wolf, Schröder, Neumann, Braun, Werner, Schwarz, Hofmann, Zimmermann, Schmitt, Hartmann, Schmid, Weiß, Schmitz, Krüger, Lange, Meier, Walter, Köhler, Maier, Beck, König, Krause, Schulze, Huber, Mayer, Frank, Lehmann, Kaiser, Fuchs, Herrmann, Lang, Thomas, Peters, Stein, Jung, Möller, Berger, Martin, Friedrich, Scholz, Keller, Groß, Hahn, Roth, Günther, Vogel, Schubert, Winkler, Schuster, Lorenz, Ludwig, Baumann


Culture and cultural heritage

Those caught abandoning their lords, either by running away or breaking their laws, are dealt with severely. Though a single empire, the Bürach is not homogeneous. Four distinct groups of people gathered into provinces, with each devoted to their own particular god, and those divisions have survived even if the gods have not.   The Abendfolk are devotees of Aurelia, goddess of healing and protection. Their city of Altenheim forms the cultural and economic heart of the Bürach Empire.   The wise Norden settled in the north, where they worship Ulmyr, the embodiment of magic and chaos. Nordenland is culturally divided, with the west populated by a mix of various races, with the east primarily peopled by outlanders.   To the east, closest to the Grey Spine Mountains, lies Unterland. The Unterfolk follow the ways of Maligant, god of war and conquest.   Finally, to the south lies Rauland, whose people carry on their worship of Galt the Builder, god of order and construction.

Shared customary codes and values

The people of the Bürach are creatures of tradition, living their lives in lock-step with religious beliefs, family ties, fealty to their Empire, and laws so ancient that few historians even remember why they were made.   The Empire follows a caste system, with the royalty at the top, followed by the nobility, the knights, the merchants, the craftsmen, and then finally, the serfs. Their society is structured around fealty to a particular noble family. Each province must abide by the rules of their lords and common born serfs may not leave the land of their birth without permission.
Encompassed species


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