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Abendland is the region where Aurelia, Goddess of Healing, Hearth, and Home, perished.   A part of her celestial body rests within the province, where it still radiates a small part of her sacred magic. The capital city of Altenheim is the largest city in the Bürach Empire. As the saying goes, “All roads lead to Altenheim.” Trade routes eventually find their way here, some from as far away as Grarjord. It is also the safest location in all of the Empire, as Altenheim is known for its high walls and towers that make a siege unlikely to succeed.


It can be said that Altenheim runs on hope, such as it is, as the lands surrounding the province of Abendland were greatly affected by the death of the gods. While still fertile, they are slowly losing potency due to the waning influence of Aurelia.   The city of Altenheim, however, has continued to flourish. Like a tumour syphoning the nutrients from a healthy body, it draws all the wealth and produce from the surrounding province into its coffers. Its vast tracts of farmland still produce enough grain and fruit for trade outside of the empire.   While the peasants suffered, the city-dwellers took to revelry and worldly pleasures to forget the horrors of the past and present. Trade routes to the Valikan clans brought in a supply of Dreams Leave, an addictive substance that soon had many citizens in its grip.   The walls of Altenheim grew taller and thicker over the years, to guard its wealth and secrets against would-be thieves--but more importantly, to keep its citizens from looking to the world outside.


Since time immemorial, Abendland had been ruled by the Holy Church of the Hearthkeepers, clerics of the goddess Aurelia. According to legend, Aurelia herself led the first of her priests, Amara, to the western plains in order to escape the tyrannical ruler of her former tribe. There, the goddess ordered Amara to strike the arid ground with her spear. From that spot emerged a spring of crystal clear water. The spring became the sacred lake, Osea, which fed the land and the city of Altenheim, until it turned verdant and green.   Abendland’s open plains, situated in the clearings between dense forest, facilitated farmlands and plantations, feeding its growing population. The Hearthkeepers encouraged and spread the worship of Aurelia, promising peace and prosperity to all who followed her. And many did. Abendland consequently became known as the land of clerics and paladins, and Altenheim gained the title of “The City of Joy”.   When Emperor Indorious was crowned, the Hearthkeepers welcomed him with open arms. He was the only son of Aurelia, they said, the promise of the goddess made flesh. They threw all their power and resources into supporting his rule, and taught the Abendfolk from youth to revere the Emperor. Thus, the Imperial family and the Hearthkeeper religion became tied together forever as a political body. For centuries, the clerics have legitimised the rule of each Emperor, and used their influence to keep his bloodline pure.   The coming of Leopold I brought an end to this golden age. His madness seeped into Aurelia’s holy artifact, the Hearthfire Breastplate, and reached the mind of the goddess herself.   Aurelia became jealous of her people’s devotion. She demanded adoration, prayers, tributes, a lifetime of servitude from her followers, all while fawning over Leopold. In the end, she even demanded blood sacrifices. All of this was an effort to show she was the one true god, the most deserving of worship. As for her priests, they willingly followed her whims and those of the emperor. They had lived too long in the comfort of authority to give it up.   Finally, Aurelia went to war with the other three gods. Thus distracted, she did not see when one of her priestesses, Talana, turned on her.   Conspiring with like-minded individuals from the other three provinces, Talana opened the way for the assassins to infiltrate the Imperial Palace. It worked, and with Leopold dead, the assassins seized control of the artifacts. Galt, Maligant, and Ulmyr remained mad, but Aurelia—perhaps because she was the goddess of protection— managed to break out of her insanity.   Seeing the devastation caused by the war, she used all her power to protect her people from the Gods’ End. The sacrifice consumed all that was left of her power. Aurelia plunged to Etharis, lifeless.   After the Gods’ End, Altenheim did its best to rebuild. The Church of the Hearthkeepers installed a new emperor, replaced the missing artifacts with fakes, and led the people to continue their veneration. But to their horror, the priests found that their clerical abilities were slowly fading as the remnant of Aurelia’s power waned from the world. Thus, they withdrew from the public and spread myths among the people: that Aurelia was not dead but merely sleeping, that she would rise again to restore her people to the glory of the Empire’s early days.   Soon the concept of “protection” took on a different meaning in the City of Joy. The citizens had to be protected from the corruption of the outside world. They had to be brought closer to the light of Aurelia’s hearth. They need to be sheltered from the harsh realities of the Gods’ End. Dissent among the populace was dealt with harshly. Any talk of a horned shadow monster roaming the lands was silenced.
Geopolitical, Province
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