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This settlement formed approximately 118 BR, as the remnants of the Steinbrecher Clan and other smaller shattered Clans were allowed to reform under the vassalship of The Bürach Empire.   It is now devoted to mining and smithing for the war effort. Even though the original city of Grabenstein is in ruins, a fort has been created in this small town and is now controlled by the Bürach Empire. The populous of non-military folk at Grabenstein is largely dominated by Dwarves, not wanting their newly created mines to be mutilated by savage Bürach hands. The town has large walls to the east blocking the pass that rival that of the capital Altenheim, and houses enough artillery to make even the dwarves at Stehlenwald green with envy. This is the nexus point for the majority of the Bürach Empires military might, in an effort to fend off the advances of The Ostoyan Empire. It is used to spread weapons along The Grey Spine and coordinate military maneuvers. It also acts as a starting point to stage their own raids into the traitorous rebels that long ago left the glory of the Bürach Empire behind.   The pass towards guarded by Clan Steinbrecher themselves and only the elders and priests of the dwarves are normally allowed to wander among the ruins of Grabenstein. Only they know what happens on the mountain and refuse to talk about it, so the dead may rest in piece.


General Erik Rauchand is the official Governor of Grubenkiesel and commander of the Bürach troops in this area. while he officially rules over the populus and the troops are loyal to him, he still has to negotiate with the leader of Clan Steinbrecher about the production of military wares.   Aragnaet Steinbrecher is the current Elder and leader of the Steinbrecher Clan. The dwarven people of Grubenkiesel look up to him and see him as the leader of Grubenkiesel. he was one of the few survivors of the battle of Grabenstein.
Founding Date
118 BR
Location under
Owning Organization


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