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Simic Hybrids

In the times before the Great Expansions, the Elves of the lands of Charneault had the tradition to banish criminals, daemon-worshippers and mentally unstable citizens that were a danger to elven-society to an Island nowadays known as the Isle of Madmen. The elven house Kaazri, a group of Astral Elves, took it upon themselves to care and oversee the group of misfits. The thing that only a few outside of the Isle knew, was that the Kaazri-House turned their back to the natural study of the stars and was far more interested in the might and force of the eldritch beings that drifted through the astral sea. while the gods fought, the group of astral elves collected the blood and energy of the wounded eldritch horrors and injected it into the prisoners of the Isle.   The unlucky survivors of this procedure transformed into the so called Simic Hybrids, as the energy of the  Eldritch Horror Simic, the Eyeless Rat, seemed to be congruent and less agressive to its subject. the Simic Hybrids all showed different traits in its biological adaptiveness but could reproduce with each other. Forming a small society on the island they managed to overthrow the tyrannical house of Kaazri, conquering the Kaazri Spire.   The Kaazri Spire, a gargantuan wizardstower made out of pure starmetal, still contained the magic of the elves and allowed the Simic Hybrids to sustain themselves with magical food and allowed them access to Etharis through a planar-travel-portal.   while Simic Hybrids are still scorned, especially by elves for being former criminals or having eldritch roots, some adapted to the mainly human society and work in different fields.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
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