Taala Brightstar
The speaker of Clan Limgri, Taala Brightstar has seen many threats in their long life, but none so frightening as
the dual disaster of war with Thrull while coldfire expands its grasp of the north. The elderly druid fears for the future
of their people, and does everything they can to ensure that Clan Limgri, along with the other clans of Kandar, will see
the new world when it comes.
Taala was raised among the wandering Limgri with their family, and was marked as a seer at a very young age.
Their talent for nature magic blossomed while Taala was still a child, and they plagued their family by running with
the reindeer—sometimes in the shape of a reindeer—making it difficult to keep track of the youth.
As they aged, Taala’s temperament evened out, but they still prefer to wear a furred or feathered form to walking
with Humans. The latter has become a necessity, however, not only due to Taala’s aging body (even shapeshifting has
failed to relieve their arthritis), but due to their position as an advisor in Solheim and the central point for all of Clan
Limgri’s complaints and concerns.
Taala, as a follower of the Lightbringer philosophy, believes in making life as full of beauty and peace for their
people as possible. They seek to support the efforts of the Order of Kentigern in staving off coldfire, and speak on
behalf of Clan Limgri at althings to request protection for the northern clan from Völgen raids. Taala has also tried to
reach out to the Redclaws, hoping that the secretive order will accept aid and support from the united Clans in order
to face off against The Prismatic Circle, but the Redclaws remain elusive, perhaps because Taala is only skilled at
shapeshifting and not a true shapeshifter.
Despite all the troubles plaguing the world, Taala has not lost hope. Taala views themself as a spiritual heir to
Limgri Lightbringer, and is dedicated to shining that light against any shadows that encroach on Valika.