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Outbreak of the Weeping Pox

Plague / Epidemic


The Filthgrazer released the Weeping Pox upon the world.

The bargain between the Filth Grazer and Bouwengracht family was therefore broken, and Analita would not allow it to continue in any other form for she wanted to replace the creature’s influence over the city with her own.   But the ancient creature was cunning, and enacted revenge against both the Bouwengracht family and the vampire: it infected the corpses of the Bouwengracht with the virulent Weeping Pox. The Bouwengracht family was given a lavish funeral inside the Froth Church, the main church of Liesech, and the disease spread from there to devastating effect. Analita von Raiza had not expected the Filth Grazer to give the city up easily, but she was nevertheless furious to see her new flock die by the thousands. She was immune to the pox and powerful enough to challenge the creature. A terrible battle ensued. The fight lasted for an entire day and caused giant tides which wreaked havoc on the harbour.   At the end of the day Analita von Raiza came back, exhausted but alive. None know for sure who won the encounter or if the Filth Grazer exists, but Analita has never returned to the Eye of the Sea. Instead she spends most of her days within her den atop the High Belfry, the highest building and main place of power in Liesech.   As the Weeping Pox spread quickly in the city, the Bürach Empire deployed troops outside to place Liesech under quarantine. However, it was too late, as they learned later that the disease had already spread outside Liesech and was to become a continent-wide epidemic.

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