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The Filthgrazer

The Filthgrazer

Even the few who know the existence of the Filth Grazer have no detailed understanding of it. This is no surprise, as such creatures are very rare and hardly intelligible to lesser beings such as Humans. All that can be said for sure about it is that it possesses an inextinguishable thirst for the filth from human activities.   There are stories about its actual appearance, some of which describe tentacles and rumbling supernatural voices, but they can be no more than rumours as no one comes back from the Eye of the Sea where the beast resides, feasting on rotting corpses and filth.   It’s a creature powerful enough to infect the entirety of Etharis with the fatal disease known as The Weeping Pox. It can change shape, and it has the capacity to fulfill the wishes of a simple fisherman, creating one of the most powerful cities in the world over his lifetime.   The Filth Grazer is immune or resistant to most forms of magical energy, and it might even be able to use magic to change reality. It’s gripping tentacles can cause a grasped victim to rot from the inside out.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Filthgrazer can change into any form he likes to but in his natural form he resembles a mix of a gigantic starfish and a Octopus. Its eight arms are approximately 30 meters long and on its back blackish-brownish hair resembling seaweed grows.


Analita von Raiza


Towards The Filthgrazer


The Filthgrazer


Towards Analita von Raiza


Divine Classification
Ancient Being
Current Location
Current Residence
The Eye of the Sea
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slimy grey-blue


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