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Bürach's Rise



Emperor Indorius founded the Bürach Empire

As tribes in the area grew in power, foreign kingdoms soon challenged them, coveting their lands. The people turned to the gods for aid. The Four Divines agreed that the burgeoning Empire needed a central figure around which they could rally. Appearing to each of their priests, the Four advised the Bürach to form an empire.   The priests, known as the Hearthkeepers of Aurelia, searched far and wide for signs of one who would be the emperor. Though they met many a knight, noble, and mage, none was deemed fit for the title. Then their visions led them to the western marches. Here they found a 12-year-old boy named Thancred, who had single-handedly slain a giant that guarded a fjord so that he could build a bridge between two towns. When the Hearthkeepers came before him, they watched as he returned a dead lamb back to life with just his hands.   As one, the priests fell to their knees and named him Emperor Indorius, first of his line. As a gift to the new emperor, the four gods poured their divinity into four sacred artifacts:  

  • a crown that radiated authority (Galt)
  • a sword that increased his might (Maligant)
  • an orb that gave him far sight (Ulmyr)
  • and a breastplate that protected him from harm (Aurelia)
  With these treasures and the support of his people, the emperor launched a campaign against his nation’s rivals. With sword and banner, he led the combined army of the four provinces into war. Victory after victory followed him until the surrounding nations were conquered and folded into Bürach. This created an empire that stretched from one end of the continent to the other, the largest nation in all of Etharis.

Related Location
The Bürach Empire
Related timelines & articles
History of Etharis