The Elemental Barrier Shift Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ethelas | World Anvil

The Elemental Barrier Shift

The Second Era: the age of Gods is in turmoil. When the first Era ended the power of the Magocracies and individual Elemental Wizards lost their powers as the The Elemental Barrier was strengthened. The Gods came into play and with the more Planar Realms got connected to Emeras.   The last standing True Elemental Magocracy are the Elven mages of Ly'Ze'Dir. They retreated onto their own continent and went into isolation. Some skirmishes at sea are the only few encounters the outside world has with these Elemental Wizards and Elven Community of Ly'Ze'Dir. In the outside world these Raiders of Ly'Ze'Dir are called 'The Elemental Dominion'.   In the last months more raiders from these Elves have started, but they are empowerd. Somehow they found a way to shift the Elemental Barrier. This Elemental Barrier Shift is caused by the Elven Wizards connecting more porous nodes of the barrier to another node. As they seek to reduce the barrier to the Elemental Realm as it was before the connection with the Outer Planes, reducing the power of The Veil and The Wheel. If this shift is permanent is unknown. But the Elemental Barrier Shift started in all places the Elemental Dominion is raiding and placing under their controle. Even the seas, deserts and other natural boundries are expanding in Elemental power.   This is quickly becoming an enviromental disaster for the Inner sea and Viridis Islands. Tsunami risk is increasing in the Border Islands, and now seems to threathen the Coast of the Emerian Continent.


This Elemental Phenomenon is noticable as that all elemental affiliations are stronger. Fire is more consuming and roaring, winds stronger and raging, the ground moving more quickly and tremors more noticable, even the Seas and Rivers are stronger. More torrental rains, tornado's, other elemental enviromental disasters. Another manifestation is that Elemental Spells with Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth are stronger. Summoned Elementals are empowerd, they endure more punishment before crumbling and more capable in combat.


All parts where the Elemental Dominion is taking hold. These effects a noticable beyond the borders of their realm and slowly expanding. For once it was only ever known on the Ly'Ze'Dir continent and is now expanding beyond: along the Desert of Xovrune, in the Islands within the Viridis Archipelago, and more recently and threathingly along the Border Islands of the Emerian Continent.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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