Mylendale Settlement in Etheriel | World Anvil


Mylendale was a rather nice small village, nestled between rolling hills next to the beautiful Sleeping Creek. The village was mostly known for its water mill, providing services for the surrounding farms.   That said, today not much remains of the settlement. In fact, not much remains of the whole valley.   In 1772 Shadow Era some would-be magician from the village came into possession of the Cursed Cauldron. They tried over and over again to discover the secret recipe for Soul Elixir, failing every time. The side effects became more and more drastic. At first, only small things happened. A cow unexpectedly died. The mill’s grinding stone cracked. A rather pesky fever broke out among the Mylendalers.   The would-be magician, sleazy as they were, proclaimed to be working on a cure for the curse that must have fallen upon the village. The superstitious villagers fetched more and more ingredients the magician requested, secretly feeding their Cauldron experiments.   At some point the powers that be decided, enough is enough. No more experiments with the Cursed Cauldron. A chasm opened right through Mylendale. From the abyss a ginormous flood erupted, drowning the entire valley and every single living being therein. The Cauldron itself vanished, never to be seen again.

1772 Shadow Era

Founding Date
623 Discovery Ages
Inhabitant Demonym

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