Summer Camp 2023 Pledge Document

This is the third year of Summer Camp that I'll participate in. The world has grown, and I was able to write some articles within the last few events in 2022 - Summer Camp , Spooktober, Mapvember and WorldEmber - and the Bestiary February event earlier this year. Like the last two years, the main goal for the Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2023 is to make progress and get inspired.  

Challenge Goal

Like last year, I aim for the copper achievement to prevent stress. I'll keep the option to write more and finish a higher achievement if there is still spare time. A list of completed articles can be found within the Summer Camp 2023 Completion Tracker.  



The most powerful currently known organizations are: the Spirit Tree Organization, the Crystal Blossom Trading Guild, the Followers of the Elements and The Fernwind Family.  
Spirit Tree Organization
The Spirit Tree Organization watches over and protects the Spirit Tree to allow further life and the continuity of the planet. The person who wields the most power within the organization is the Spirit Warden. The spirit warden holds the burden to protect the spirit tree at all costs, even at the expense of their own life.   The organization is always in need of bodyguards for the spirit warden, the so-called Brave Spirits and wardens which share the burden of the spirit warden to some extent.  
Followers of the Elements
The Followers of the Elements, also called Elementaris for short, is the main religion of Etheriel. The beliefs vary from region to region depending on the present shrines and temples dedicated to the local primary deity.
Crystal Blossom Trading Guild
The Crystal Blossom Trading Guild is the largest association of merchants and traders of Etheriel. They have the mission to deliver anything that can be obtained legally anywhere. Because of their mission, they are always searching for innovative ways to carry goods from one place to the other, be it via air, over waterways, by foot with some kind of carriage, or even through means of teleportation. The guild also always needs suppliers for various goods of adequate quality based on the customers' requirements.  
The Fernwind Family
The Fernwind Family is the royal family that has ruled over the Realm of the Skies for centuries. The Realm of the Skies mainly consists of the Nebula Isles. The Nebula Isles are a group of sky islands primarily accessible by winged creatures such as the Avian. Because of the seclusion, the avian folk lived through the wars and riots throughout the etherien history relatively unbothered but also had to ensure to build up an economy that allowed them to be entirely self-sufficient.


I haven't built any intentional frontiers yet, and the present ones are more or less there because I haven't added more worldbuilding to the corresponding regions. The currently most apparent boundaries, or more specifically borders, are those around the Refuges that protect those inside them from the ones outside the refuge. Another section one could call a frontier is the Shadow Lair, an underground market with goods often from suspicious sources.  


The most valuable and famous relic that is currently known is the Seraphic Crown, a crown that was meant for the Elder of the Skies of that time but got lost in the collapse of Greed Grave Mountain. It is a legend to the current time as it wasn't found yet, but drawings are left within the Aeros Palace.   As for the History of Etheriel: The timeline is divided into multiple eras according to the central theme of events or discoveries made in that period. The specifics aren't set yet and are still a work in progress.  


Most people communicate with letters often delivered by the Crystal Blossom Trading Guild merchants along their trading routes or by messenger agencies. Important political topics are primarily conveyed through the soul energy veins - a recently discovered method. This method is also used by individuals with access to a vast amount of soul energy or enough financial power to pay someone for this pricier option to convey a message.

Articles under Summer Camp 2023 Pledge Document


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