
A type of armour worn by mid- to high-Circle Yalasran battle mages, the aldumia is an article of clothing that serves the dual function of both enchanted armour and spellcasting aid.   Each aldumia is tailored to the mage for whom it was made for, and unlike most enchanted wearable items, an aldumia cannot be worn by anyone else. This is due to the requirements for specific eriant weave interactions and alkos flow attunement, both things unique to each individual mage. Mages even sometimes outgrow an old aldumia, requiring it to be disenchanted and re-enchanted - or sometimes even a whole new one made, depending on the degree to which the mage's power has outgrown the old aldumia.   Aldumiar (plural for aldumia) are expensive and difficult to craft, and so only the most skilled and resourceful of low-Circle mages sometimes have them. Usually, only the higher Circles of mages have the resources - financial, social, or otherwise - to either have one made for them, or to craft their own themself.
Item type
Current Location
Very Rare
Base Price
Variable - Expensive
Raw materials & Components
Highly durable, yet flexible, materials are frequently used to form the mundane 'base' of the aldumia before the enchanting process. This is to ensure that it offers a minimum of protection even should it be subjected to a Disjunction or negation effect.   Dragon leather, nathlesin thread, valamitin thread, and carbon tubing are all commonly used, and some mages opt for sections (such as bracer-like and greaves-like protections) to be made of solid metal wherever flexibility is irrelevant (over the long bones, for instance). It is rare, however, for a aldumia to be made entirely of metal.
Varies depending on materials used, for the mundane 'base' of the item. Enchanting reagents include various powdered gemstones, supernatural herbs, and metals.
Related Materials

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel