Kadon (kah-dohn)

a.k.a. Yalasran Humans

Kadonir (plural of kadon) are a varied, hardy, adaptable species, most closely resembling Terran Humans, but with some key differences they have evolved to survive on the harsher world of Yalasra.   In addition, there are two subspecies of kadon: The mendani and the fylhir. Each one possesses their own unique biological and even some cultural traits that set them apart from baseline kadonir.

Basic Information


Outwardly resembling a common Terran Human, walking on two plantigrade legs with an upright posture, having two arms with hands each having five fingers, and two feet each with five toes, and a proportionate, lean midsection and chest, with their neck and head situated where one would expect: At the top.   Inwardly, kadonir have many variances that make them a unique species. They are versatile and hardy, and capable of thriving in all types of biomes after a period of adaptation.  
Baseline Kadon
  • Kadonir possess a lean and muscular physique, well-suited for endurance activities in hot environments. They also have a higher percentage of brown adipose tissue compared to standard humans. Brown adipose tissue generates heat, which can be beneficial in balancing core body temperature in cooler nights. However, the distribution is different. Kadonir have more brown adipose tissue located around vital organs and in the limbs, helping to maintain warmth in these critical areas without overheating the core.
  • Kadonir possess eccrine sweat glands with a higher density and deeper ducts compared to standard humans. This allows for more efficient evaporative cooling through sweating. They also possess specialized sweat glands that can selectively excrete excess salt. This helps maintain electrolyte balance, crucial for proper nerve and muscle function, especially with increased sweating.
  • They have a more extensive capillary network throughout their body, particularly near the skin's surface. This allows for better circulation and efficient heat dissipation from the core to the extremities.
  • They have larger lung capacity compared to standard humans. This allows for increased oxygen intake, important for sustained activity in hotter environments where oxygen availability might be slightly lower.
  • Kadonir kidneys are more efficient at water reabsorption, allowing them to function effectively on lower water intake compared to standard humans. This is crucial for survival in Yalasra's potentially arid regions.
  • The kadon digestive system is slightly more robust than standard humans, allowing them to efficiently break down tougher foods that are prevalent in Yalasra's diverse environments. Additionally, their saliva contains unique enzymes that aid in breaking down starches and cellulose, allowing them to extract more energy from a wider range of plant materials. This is beneficial in environments with limited food sources.
  • They have a higher concentration of melanin in their skin compared to standard humans. This offers superior protection from Yalasra's stronger UV radiation. This means that, on average, they range from light browns to deep browns/almost-blacks in skin tone.
  • Kadon cells express higher levels of heat shock proteins compared to standard humans. These proteins help protect cellular structures from heat-induced damage.
  • Height: 5'3" - 5'7" - Smaller stature provides several advantages in Yalasra's dense environments. They require less food, have a lower center of gravity for agility in jungles and mountains, and are better suited for navigating dense undergrowth and cramped spaces.
  • Body Type: Lean and muscular - Their smaller size is balanced by well-developed musculature for climbing, traversing difficult terrain, and enduring harsh conditions.
  • Bone Density: Slightly denser than standard kadonir - Provides increased strength and resilience to injury, important for their typically active lifestyle.
  • Skin: Ranges from deep brown to light copper depending on region.
  • Hair: Curly or tightly coiled, in a wide range of blacks, browns, and reds - Provides insulation in both hot and cold environments.
  • Eyes: Wide range of colors including golden amber, emerald green, and deep violet - Evolved for excellent vision in dense foliage and varying light conditions.
  • Dentation: Slightly stronger than standard kadonir - Helps with a potentially more fibrous diet and occasional consumption of hard-shelled foods.
  • Enhanced Agility and Balance: Their smaller size and denser bones contribute to this, but they also have exceptional proprioception (body awareness) and reflexes.
  • Height: 5'9'' to 6'8" - They have the height and build to give them greater strength than their smaller counterparts, making them more suited as combatants or for physical labor.
  • Body Type: Both sexes trend to more muscle, but not to a particularly significant degree - it's noticeable, but not dramatic.
  • Skin: Light-medium to dark brown skintones. They do not have the lighter skintones seen in those from polar climates.
  • Eyes: Standard eye colors range from dark brown ('black'-seeming from a distance), to medium and light browns, to amber. Ocular albinism exists in fylhir, but not other human subspecies. Causes poor eyesight with light blue, violet, red, and pink eyes. Stronger inclination to heterochromia than most human subspecies, often central, sometimes sectoral, only very rarely complete.
  • Hair: Brown or black hair - copper and auburn occurred in the main subspecies after the genetic split, half fylhir/half the other subspecies and the descendants of such unions may have coppery or auburn hair, however. Blonde does not naturally occur.
  • Digestion: Two stomachs instead of one, one stomach designed to handle bone, both able to handle carrion. Fylhir have a stronger inclination to meat, but no aversion to vegetation - they're instinctively more scavengers than the main human subspecies, and most will make do with anything their powerful stomach acid can handle. Individual variances do occur.
  • Dentation: While their teeth are mostly standard, they have longer, sharper canines, but not so long that they risk poking their own lower lip.
  • Lifespan: Longer-lived than other human subspecies, but mature at the same rate - average lifespan is 110-160. They retain their youthful strength and appearance for longer, but issues with infertility plague this subspecies.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The most common language in use across the species is Morati.
Mendani, Fylhir
80 - 120 years
Average Height
Standard: 5'4'' to 6'0''
Fylhir: 5'9'' to 6'8"
Mendani: 5'3" - 5'7"
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel