

A greyscale version showing the back of an ymensatill, with all the possible pinions.
by Sehanbrel
  A scarce, winged species, secluded in small settlements all over the world.   Often seen as beautiful beyond what mortals should be allowed to be, they're often treated with reverence on the rare instances they show themselves. It's common knowledge they aren't deities, and never were, but there's been much speculation throughout time that they are the original species created by an ysai, which verans were modeled after.

Basic Information


Slender and light, this species possesses a humanoid body plan, gem-like, large, colorful eyes, large leathery wings and a fanned tail, and hair that often matches the wing colors.

Biological Traits

Tall and lean, and possessing leathered wings and a tail fan.

Genetics and Reproduction

Being mammals, the species reproduces sexually, and the female carries the pregnancy for close to a full Vruanhaian year - typically 400 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy is roughly 3 years long, toddlerhood from 4-10, early childhood from 11-18, late childhood 19-29, early adolescence from 30-40, late adolescence from 40-55. They remain on the cusp of this late adolescence and early adulthood stage until the age of 70, where they are considered to be fully physiologically mature.   The wings and tail of an ymensatill start as small nubs, and don't start to form until later in the infancy stage.

Ecology and Habitats

Though scattered around the world, ymensatill largely chose their habitats based on resource availability in relation to hard-to-find locations. They prefer temperate climates, but they're highly adaptable, able to live comfortably in several temperature extremes such as tundras, deserts, and tropics. They're also capable of adapting quickly between high and low altitude environments, and don't suffer from oxygen poisoning thanks to this trait.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous. Since they prefer higher altitudes, much of their livestock consists of birds, primarily kiri, and their eggs are collected for food. They also raise and farm orn. Hardy fruits and vegetables resistant to extreme temperatures are also favored, especially ones that, depending on locale, either need very little water or thrive on an abundance of water.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Facial characteristics

Soft, delicate features, with angular eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Secluded, multiple small settlements in Nerath, Aksasi, Duseldrar, Aul, and the small islands northwest of Ediavhe.

Average Intelligence

Moderately high

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Shorter names are common, usually no more than two-to-three syllables, and aren't overly complex to pronounce.   Some examples include Kairen, Corrah, Ivescine, Isofier, Junja, and Ferli.   Children are often named after what the parents hope for in their future, or after positive themes and connotations. Commonly chosen themes relate to flight and the sky and celestial bodies.

Beauty Ideals

A greater number and vibrancy of colors in hair and wings is highly sought after, but like with any thinking species, there are large variances in this.   Good muscle strength is desired in all sexes, as this equates to stronger flyers.

Gender Ideals

As hermaphrodites are exceptionally common in this species, gender doesn't mean much. Anyone can take up any sort of role they're interested in.

Average Technological Level

On par with the rest of Vruanhai.

Major Language Groups and Dialects



The ymensatill started out as a species content to live peacefully, and mostly kept to their own homelands, aside from trading with veran and zelfir. Lefvada and culturally beneficial technologies developed at a steady pace, enriching lives and so on, and as a species strongly geared towards passiveness, they also lived without making much in the way of worldly impacts.   They were primarily performers, favoring music and the arts, and many of the most famous musicians in history were ymensatill.   However, during the War of Divergence, the ymensatill were not untouched by the foul influence of Feythis. The corruptive energies the feyth brought with them leeched into ymensatill lands, and without knowing it, the peoples spread it from settlement to settlement every time they delivered news or goods. The energy was especially destructive to their frailer bodies, and as it spread, it was like a metaphysical plague, eating away at their life force until it eventually severed their connections with Vruanhai.   Forced to endure strict quarantines, many ymensatill died out, suffering slow, excruciating deaths as their bodies failed them. There was no cure to be had, despite all efforts to find one. By the time the war ended and the feyth were repelled, there were so few left that many feared there may not be enough for a viable gene pool. Even some thousands years later, they have not completely recovered from their losses, and out of fear have largely secluded themselves to isolated parts of the world. If they should be caught up in another war, it might very well wipe them out, or so they reason.   Due to their reclusive habits, it's extremely hard to locate a settlement in modern times, and some people wonder if they haven't in fact died out in silence, they are seen so rarely.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hiding from rest of the world, but have alliance with the Maveshad.
1600 years
Average Height
Average Weight
170 lbs - 300 lbs
Average Physique
Lithe but muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deep tan to pale.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel