Vruanhai (v-roo-ahn-hye)

Planet Vruanhai.   Vruanhai is where Terrans of eld crash-landed after they took their leave of ancient Earth. It is a fair deal larger than Terra, with somewhat lighter gravity, homed in the far-flung galaxy of Vlaridi, in the system Sharia. Vruanhai is home to numerous species, most notably the diverged Shadreagh, the Veran, and the Ss'akan. Wanting to find their ancestral home, humans who managed to settle on Vruanhai toiled for a great many years, and when they rediscovered Terra among the cosmos, a lefvada-based portal was woven to reach it.   The first of the Gates was later created, after initial tensions relaxed and relations were formed between Vruanhaians and modern Terrans. Thanks to these relationships, both planets have greatly prospered. Vruanhai is markedly more peaceful than any other planet in the known realms, though still holds its share of dangers and troubles.

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel


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  • 1 F

    3.2 Billion years ago
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Vruanhai is created by the Ysai in the Shiraia System.

  • 1200000000 F

    2 Billion Years Ago
    Disaster / Destruction

    Two of the three supervolcanoes erupt within a year of eachother, eradicating most life above the sea. After a millennia, life starts anew.



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  • 2002000000 L

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    2 million years ago

    Evolution and Ysai guidance produce the first vhérga. Following them are other sapient species over the course of the following million years; Ymensatill, Zelfir, Boromoem, Veran.
