
Female zelfir on the left, male on the right. Warm season coat.
by Sehanbrel
  Being a tall, furred, horned, and four-armed species, the zelfir reside in the coldest climates of Vruanhai, with the largest concentration of their population being in Aksasi and Tarediiv, and a vast spread across all of Serundvan.   Tribal and nomadic, they aren't often seen settling in cities or towns, yet they do have many permanent settlements that act as trading hubs year-around. At first, their tall, bestial appearance makes them come across as intimidating, but they're only aggressive where needs must. Friendly by nature, they are very welcoming to most outsiders who don't pose immediate threat, and trade freely with all other species.   Able to channel lefvada as easily as any shadreagh. Their extra arms allow for more utilization at one time, at the cost of more energy spent in a shorter timeframe than species with only two arms. At least as fast at a sprint as the Ss'akan, their long, muscular legs can carry them far and long, with claws meant for gripping rock and ice.

Basic Information


Very large, comparative to ss'akan but often bulkier, the zelfir are covered in layers of thick fur. They possess a triple coat, with the outer layer effectively being waterproof. Their silvery fur thins out during warmer months, and thickens again during the colder part of the year, which makes them exceptionally fluffy-looking. Even longer fur grows from their spines, giving them extra protection and the appearance of a mane. They have four strong arms, and a longer torso to accommodate. A crown of horns rings the front half of their skulls, being of dark grey-silver hues, and on each side rises a longer curved horn. Their eyes are larger than other species', giving them exceptionally long-distant sight and night vision.   All zelfir are shades of grey, white, and silver, with darkened backs and lightened underarms and legs, and a light spotting akin to snowflakes. Their eyes are always large, with round pupils, and trend towards cool colors, such as purple, blue, and pink, but browns and ambers aren't unheard of.

Genetics and Reproduction

Being mammals, they reproduce as typical males and females of most other species do. Children are born live, but fairly small, and multiple births are fairly common. This said, many zelfir are internal twins or triplets rather than external, given the quasi-feline qualities of the species. The females nurse their young until they're strong enough to consume semi-solid foods.   Being rather unique, they are unable to reproduce with any species save their own.

Growth Rate & Stages

While their natural lifespan runs about 2,300 years, they often don't live that long, prone to the dangers of their frozen native lands.   Infancy lasts until age 5, toddlerhood lasts until age 11, early childhood to 20, late childhood to 30, and early puberty begins at around 32. Adolescent years are from around 32 to 70, with the transition into more mature features lasting around 50 more years. One is considered a young adult at 120 years. Full maturity is considered reached at 250 years, though that's based more on complete brain development as opposed to outward physical development.

Ecology and Habitats

Zelfir spend most of their lives in the frozen north and south continents, traveling from point to point as local resources dictate. They do their best to maintain a balance with their surroundings, traveling in somewhat small groups, and ensuring they don't take too much from the land they reside on. They erect dome-shaped abodes when they settle for any length of time, made of wooden beams and many stitched-together heavy leathers and furs, and the interiors are laid with thick rugs and fabrics. Stone-lined firepits are also built within, and a vent at the top of their abodes keeps smoke from building up. The vents can be closed with a drawstring flap when the firepit is not in use.   Zelfir prefer to live within the deciduous forests where available, and use the trees for extra shelter from the elements and additional resources.   There are a handful of permanent settlements, most acting as trading hubs, for the zelfir, and foreigners often visit to exchange in otherwise scarce and hard-to-get goods. The settlements are largely made of stone, and heavily infused with warming crystals and lefvada, and paved paths are cleared of snow and ice almost daily. Homes and other buildings in such settlements trend toward fairly small, most often being one story at most, and dome-shaped to help prevent dangerous icicles from forming.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They largely eat meat, though as they're not obligate carnivores, they don't have problems with vegetation or fruits, and often rely on hardy greenery when game is scarce.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tribal, matriarchal

Facial characteristics

Feline features, with large cool-colored eyes, a pseudo-muzzle, and an animalistic nose.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Possessed of a highly refined sense of smell, keen hearing, and sharp vision.
1000-1800, natural maximum being 2300
Average Height
7'8" - 8'10"
Average Weight
Average Physique
Muscular, heavy
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Silvery greys, countershaded, with a mix of dark faded stripes and snowflake-esque spotting.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel