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Aempian Royal Academy

The institutions of the Royal Academy are so interwoven into the urban fabric of Jhoukkwah City (itself a prefecture of the Metrah Metropolitan Region) that few consider the Academy and the City to be separate entities. Indeed, the prefect of Jhoukkwah is a title which has exclusively been held by alumni of the Academy.

To the Northeast of Jhoukkwah is the Palace District. To its north is the Administrative District.

It can be said that Drat'n Metkrah was built for the Academy. As old as Aempis itself, the Royal Academy was founded by Aemphus under the guidance of Akotan Khalur Tor Khandea in the year [Year] to ensure a population of well-educated leaders, casters, and monoliths. It is meant to raise the


Entry is determined by your family's social score. Royal Family are allowed in as a matter of course. Family members of members of parliament or the church may apply for entry, which may take up to two years for review and another two to provide a slot. You my be prioritized in this list by having served office, service, or conscription already.

  The school itself is structured into tiers, with Royalty on the higest floors and common Jhoutigari at ground level. Each tier allows for students to glimpse those of a higher tier than them, and even to share in some classes, while everyone can look down and watch the Jhoutigari training below.  
  • Where do students come in from?
  • Uniform
Ruling Organization





  • Colony Management
  • Estate Management
  • Oration
  • Historic Anthropology
  • Mechatronics
  • Metatronics
  • Mnemonics


  • LakiBɾvaKua — A modern defensive fighting style focused on quick takedowns
  • Bridge Run
  • Fencing


The Campus is spread throughout Metkrah, and Metrkah is mosrtly constructed in service to it.

Things are siloed. Researchers are required to teach. The campus is massive with lots of politics. Strikes aren't uncommong, but are typically student lead.

Cover image: ValuSelu Pact Default Cover by Ademal


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