Ecological Revival Office

The ERO is focused on upholding Aempis' half of the treaty with Earth — to use a portion of the nation's resources to rebuild livable zones on Earth and undo the more unlivable aspects of the Holocene Collapse.

This includes massive geoengineering projects such as restarting the AMOC, curbing desertification, dambuilding, and more. They are in charge of Torkh Sajhu Veath which has been reclassed and retrofitted to help kickstart the cycles of the world rather than catastrophize them.

In San Joaquin, the primary goals of the ERO are to centralize the population to make it easier to take care of them, then to spread outwards from there. They have transformed Sonoma into a lush cauldron of life supported by the purified Laky Berryessa, and are working on restoring the waterworks all the way up through colorado.

To wastelanders and outlanders, the ERO is a threat which is trying to displace them from their homes rather than allowing them to survive where they've been for the last nth generations. Among those who have congregated in Sonoma, there is a more mixed-positive opinion of them, due to them restarting the local breadbasket and bringing a sense of thrive to the region that none in living memory can revall.

Unfortunately, since so many species on Earth died without a means of being cloned, the ERO has to make do with transplants from the ecosystem of Jhoutai. This has driven many of the few remaining species to extinction and brought many invaders to the environment, but has at least resulted in the purification of the soil and the return of vital oxygen-producing plants.

Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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