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Hor'rus' Bathhouse

Hor'rus' Bathouse is a luxurious establishment and the retirement plan of Bathmaster Hor'rus. The bathhouse sits in the center of Gomorrah Sands, the entrance to the Bathhouse is known as the Hor’rus Geyser Chamber, a tamed Geyser whose boiling waters both power the facility and wash the patrons of the Bathhouse.

The Bathhouse's facilities are offered as a service to those venturing to Gomorrah Sands looking for rest and relaxation.

Everyone leaves with a smile, and each smile has a story behind it. A story told in my Bathhouse.

— Bathmaster Hor'rus
Public Chamber

One of the largest rooms near the entrance is the Public chamber. A place for gathering, socializing, and bathing. Dominated by a large central pool steaming from geyser water, the public pool is staffed by waiters, caretakers, and patrons having a quick soak or finding partners from some of the deeper rooms.


Multiple lounges have been build into the bathhouse, common rooms that offer more intimacy for parties or small events. They are first come first serve.

Private Bath Suites

For the clientele with some cash to spend, private Baths are offered with their own pools and staff. Many couples find their way to these smaller rooms to enjoy the more intimate activities.

Sand Bathes

A service for the Sazashi clientele, clean sand is made fragrant with potpurri and sent via Meta through specialized baths. The Sand exfoliates and cleans out the fur without dealing with moisture. The Sand is sourced from the volcanic sands of the Rest

Background generated via MidJourney

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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