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High Elves

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Shalaevar Waesnorin
  • Axilya Waesmenor
  • Artin Waesthana
  • Arnarra Wrangeiros
  • Lixiss Faeris
  • Nithenoel Miramaris
  • Lensa Phimoira
  • Ara Keajeon
  • Llorva Naekrana
  • Isarrel Sharic

Masculine names

  • Emmyth Fakas
  • Ylyndar Qinnelis
  • Morthil Aero
  • Myriil Ballana
  • Orist Fenmaris
  • Gorwin Xyrric
  • Tolith Petris
  • Illianaro Daroris
  • Hagen Petthyra
  • Fhaornik Elpetor


Major language groups and dialects

Elven with slight variations:
  • Ionic
  • Agonic
  • Lamdic

Shared customary codes and values

  • Honesty
  • Rationality
  • Lack of emotion

Average technological level

Amazing understanding of spellcraft and enchanting
Invented the materal called Moonstone

Common Etiquette rules

High elves consider rationality and calmness of mind to be one of the most important qualitys someone should posses.

Common Dress code

Mostly thin and simple garments made of satin and other expensive textiles.
They dislike thick, opulent dresses and doublets.

Art & Architecture

Tall temples and minimalistic houses made of marble.


Beauty Ideals

Fine and mild complexion
Most sought after hair color is "silver" as it is a sign of purity

Gender Ideals

Female high elves tace care of the political and management side of society while the males take active role in the military and spellcraft.

Courtship Ideals

The elven courtship practices are extremely complex, they have been described as "labyrintian trials filled to the brim with hidden meaning and oximoronic phrases" by various scholars.

Relationship Ideals

High elves strive for a complete understanding of their partener from the most benign to the most secretive. This is considered by them to be the ideal love unwavering, unyealding and unbreakable.

Major organizations

They are the race that established "The Keepers of Knowledge". A group of scholars tasked with gathering as much information from the world and storing it in their vast libraries.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Organizations

Articles under High Elves


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