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The Young snow elf

The Exile Emilia (a.k.a. Snowflake)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically fit and slim

Identifying Characteristics

Silver hair and pale skin

Special abilities

Wild magic
Ice magic

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Even from birth, she was considered rather peculiar due to her flawlessly pale complexion and silver hair as she was not a High elf, she was, in fact, a Snow Elf. She was born in a family of four consisting of her parents, her and her older brother. They lived in the far-off island of ARGENT the land of the high elves. The birth of a snow elf on argent was so rare it could even be called unheard of.

  She was at first instructed in the customs and teachings of the high elves alongside her brother. They learned about the art of rationality, the theory of perfection and the etiquette of a true high-born elf. Her brother took to these ideals immediately, but she still showed some colours of excentrisim which caused some concern from her family and the council of the elders who took a great interest in the siblings' advancement. Though she lacked the spirit of a high elf she didn't lack their affinity to magic casting spells with impressive speed and vigor, but also with an uncontrollable ferocity leading to worse effects, sparks would randomly go flying, masses of mana would disperse and reappear causing major disturbances. Neither did it comfort her that her brother performed them flawlessly and with spectacular grace. She looked up to her brother seeing him as the perfect ideal for an elf. She always tried to reach the glorious peak that was him time and time again, but every time she would still somehow failed. It didn't help that she was so different from everybody else, her peers were looking at her with more fear and disdain than anything else. Her parents didn't seem particularly interested in helping her grow as they scolded her for her misgivings. But the one who tormented her the most was herself. She endlessly told herself that she was not good enough that she didn't deserve to be called a high elf. But she was not alone, a young elf girl by the name of Synthia stood by her listening to her troubles, trying to comfort her and generally just enjoying some time with her. She didn't understand why Synthia did this, but she hoped she would be with her nonetheless.

High elves would have to take a trial at the end of their teenagehood to prove their status as a high elf. Her brother finished the task effortlessly. The trial consisted of a beautiful display of magic. The girl was terrified at the thought of performing magic, but she cleared her mind and headed to the trial. She started simple with basic motions and spells to calm her mind, it seemed rather easy to her, but then some dark thoughts started to pour into her mind the same dark thoughts that have haunted her forever. Her movements became more erratic and vicious bolts would manifest from nowhere and it shortly became a violent storm. Sparks hit the elders observing the display knocking some down.
After the storm has settled down clinging to her knees crying, everyone looked at her with disgust and fear they thought her a mistake, a murderous intent appeared on their eyes, even Cynthia shared their feelings. Her brother stood in a corner disappointed with his arms crossed. They were all ready to attack her but the elders got back and calmed the masses explaining that calmness is one of their guiding principles and they shouldn't so hurriedly jump to actions. After some time of deliberation, the council concluded that Emilia was banished from their land never to return.

And soo begins the exile of the little snowflake oh reader of mine, may she find what she desires in her long journey of hers, may she find redemption and peace of mind if that is what she desires

-excerpt from Carthaphilus's journal of oddities

Gender Identity

Identifies as female


Studied the customs and traditions of the high elves from the Elders themselves
Later studied rudimentary alchemy in Artis


Worked as an alchemist apprentice

Accomplishments & Achievements

Can use a forbidden technique in arcana called "Wild Magic"

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed the Trail of Logos which lead to her exile

Mental Trauma

Traumatised after her failure and the betrayal of one of he close friends
Depressed and drifting alonf with the wind
Paranoid to a fault

Intellectual Characteristics

Very thoughtfull and shy
Great academic knowledge of arcana

Morality & Philosophy

Seeks redemption and goodness in everyone.


Hates liars and tricksters
Hates hypocrites
Dislikes vain people

Personality Characteristics


Wants to reddem herself in regain her families trust.
Wants to surpass her brother.
Want to gain some stability in her life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very unconfident
Good at taunts


Family Ties

Her mother and father and her older brother.


The Young snow elf

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards The Warlock



The Warlock

Close Friend (Important)

Towards The Young snow elf




They met in a forest near Fallen Light were Carthaphylus was attacked by Emilia who thought him to be an outlaw.

Nicknames & Petnames

  • Snowflake
  • Miss long-ears
  • Metal-head
  • Firefly

Relationship Reasoning

Carthaphylus wants to help her in her quest for redemption.
He is the only one who listened to her tearing confessions.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have things to settle with the high elves

Lawfull good
Current Location
Year of Birth
854 21 Years old
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Long silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crystal Ivory
1.65 m
52 kg
Known Languages


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