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The first signs of Drogic culture were found near the center of the continent, south of the mountain ranges. Near the beginning of human history, the droghs had run-ins with Lokuruk tribes to the east.   Early Droghic peoples venerated the god Beoth, who they saw as a master hunter and warrior and the chief and father of all wolves. Although they revere and respect Beoth, they do not have the same relationship with him that other peoples have with their gods, as they believed Beoth revered independence and to call on a god for help was shameful. Their religious principles saw the Water as the mother and the Earth as the father of Beoth.   History   The pre-historical era of the Droghic consisted of a long, fierce rivalry with their Lokoruk neighbors to the East, with which they shared some of the mountains, forest, and plains. Many of these battles favored the Lokoruk and led to the Droghic becoming a hard, bitter people who were consistently forced out of their lands by the enmetic Lokoruk.   After the historical period marked by the Fall of the Adonian Empire came to pass, the Droghic became split between the Western Droghs and the Eastern Droghs. The Western Droghs began to cast off the old ways, tired of dealing with the Lokoruk and wanting to settle in a new home. They began to hunger for conquering, making their way west to cause trouble for the Ondai. The Eastern Droghs retained loyalty to the old ways and became closer to their god Beoth. In the current era, The Eastern Droghs reside in the area known as Broken Stone .   Although the Western Droghs were incredibly fearsome warriors, they were unable to make their way far on their own. The Ondai were powerful, resourced with magic and better weapons. A tribe of Droghs made their way North, finding an ally in the Uzar, who had sophisticated weaponry and armor. The Uzarians relied on the gem trade economically, which the Ondai were squeezing for all they could. The Droghic would use their weapons and armor in exchange for ample supply of gems for magic.   With Uzarian steel and armor the Droghic were unstoppable. The Ondai had spent much of the era after the fall of Adon at war against each other and were no match for a unified force of power like the Droghic.   The Droghic held up their end of the bargain for a time with the Uzarian, until they realized how powerful the gems they had acquired were.   Drogic tribes were relatively homogenous and because of their propensity toward valuing order and hierarchy, they developed common goals and cohesion. Unlike many other developing warrior cultures, they revolutionized the use of strategy, formation, and tactics along with their martial prowess. Comparitively, a drogic soldier would not have bested a Lokuruk warrior, who was far stronger, adapted to more variant climates, and seemed suited for brutal combat. The drogic were by no means weak warriors, but their effectiveness was more strongly related to their organization. Over the centuries they became an effective military power as they conquered West, especially after forming allegiances with technologically advanced Uzar peoples in the north.    
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A clan of Drogic peoples made a pact with Acantha a very long time ago, which bound them to him. 

Naming Traditions

Masculine names

Eodir, Auril, Demetyr, Iro, Aurdin, Arak, Heth, Ozur, Gelan, Novogra, Raya, Ostur, Erseus, Jayon, Anoch, Eucha, Ichar/Eikard, Giorge, Giorga, Gorod, Gurid, Dir, Kenmir, Kendrei, Ivaghi, Gaorich, Khanzu, Edogen, Vyakura, Gaorich, Zhugei, Menvan, Mendor, Theogai, Petujin, Gengmir, Gentry, Gendor, Viole, Elenwin, Dirak, Kavelzde, Kaveld, Kaveldeze,

Family names

Drogic naming conventions are inspired by baltic, slavic, prussian, and eastern european names.


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