BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Ondai started with settlers from the East who left for unknown reasons. Ondaic people consider themselves the first settlers of the West. Ondaiic peoples developed the first organized system of governance, even preceding the Adonian people in the East.   Ondaic legends state that the Western lands were barren and that the first kings and heroes were forced to contend with the dragons for power. Some fought, while others began to revere them. Legends state that early settlers of worth were imbued with the power of dragon magic, which they used to create a thriving eco system. These early Ondaic heroes created the first 4 clans: Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and Amethyst, taking one of the lesser dragons as their sigil. This was based on the abundant resources of these gems which they discovered had great power.   Coincidentally, the Ondaic system of governance and the elevation of these peoples began to decline after the The Fall of the Adonian Empire  in the east. During this time, the Drogic people began to move westward more, eventually subjugating and assimilating with the Ondaiic culture while bringing elements of their own.   Society and Values   The Ondai traditionally value balance and harmony, believing the way of the world is constant pull between life and death, the Obsidian and Pearl dragons that created all of mankind. Traditional Ondaiic belief stresses assimilation, push and pull, which is perhaps how the conquering Droghs were able to continue their dominance. Cultural norms value temperance and respect.   Religion   The Ondai worship the Dragon Gods. Their religion focuses on the flow and transition of life, that everything rests on a delicate balance. They believe the White and Black Dragons created the entire universe and rule over all other gods, with the 4 gods being created by the chaos of life. According to the Ondai, the dragons had a son, who they call the Prince of Shadows, the balanced hero of light and dark, who will come to mankind at its darkest hour riding upon the dragon Mthungrai.   Enmities The Droghic The Uzarian   Notable People   Moroz the Frozen: A legendary hero/leader of the Sapphire Clans that settled the Frozen North.   The Ondai believed in “yin and yang” in that White and Black are merged. Maybe they also focus on the Gray Dragon and this is where the “prince of shadows” comes from? Perhaps Ondaic religion is where the religion of the first gods existed. In fact, maybe the Ondai way of living predates the Adonic Empire? Maybe Rai saw what the people did in the West and took his own “spin” on it?


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