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Bentley Blackwood

Lord Bentley Azum Blackwood (a.k.a. Benny)

Second eldest to the business mogul, Rubin Blackwood, Bentley is one of the most involved individuals in The Realm War, who aims to depose the Novarian forces from the Isle of Kagarra. He a cunning strategist, intellectually rich, and ruthless with his ambitions and enemies, with a wealthy heritage to back him in endeavours that only someone with wealth could undertake.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bentley is in decent physical condition, often eating healthily and excercising when his schedule allows him free time. He is often seen in a well-fitted suit that masks his almost farmhand physique, and could easily operate as a labourer if not for his slight limp and hand quiver from his war injuries.

Body Features

Burn marks cover a portion of his right arm and back, alongside several weapon scars that pepper his entire body. He also is accompanied by several tattoos that come from his military days, the main one being that of the motto of his Division across his upper back- "in semita, mors sequitur" (in our path, death follows).

Facial Features

Strong facial features with a thick, well groomed, beard that complements his facial shape.

Identifying Characteristics

Strikingly blue eyes and majestic moustache

Physical quirks

Often will point or gesture with his cane

Special abilities

Notorious Spy - Bentley has advantage on checks to obtain information related to a person, place, or object.

Apparel & Accessories

Often seen in fine attires, he is commonly seen in his beige suit - hands adorned with several rings.

Specialized Equipment

Bentley is a master of mounted combat, wielding a saber or kilij, he is also one of the only people in the world to be proficient in firearms - a relatively prototypical technology.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Galador, Elysia, Bentley was poised to be another cookie-cutter member of the business mogul family - the Blackwoods. As he grew up surrounded by the finer things in life, he began to detest the mundanity of high society and looked to uncover the secrets of a life lived full. Disappearing under cover of darkness, he would run to dive bars, grimy areas of the city, or find himself amidst the fighting rings of the underworld - returning home with a bloodied but unbroken spirit. The rush he'd gain from these escapades was quashed by his father's insistence to run the Elysian branch of the Blackwood & Sons, Ltd. Banking Company, a job that consumed every waking hour of his daily life.   Marrying his childhood sweetheart, Morana, at the age of 19, he aimed to give her a life of adventure and enrichment, however, this was cut short after the birth of their second son, Eliot, as Morana died during childbirth. Grief-stricken, Bentley sought to soften the pain through trying to connect with his children over the next few years, but again fate was to impose once again.   As time marched on, civil conflict emerged within the state - the native Khiven tribe of the plains of Danok declared war on the monarch - a calling that Bentley saw as an opportunity to escape the dull existence he had been handed. Secretly, he enlisted to the 19th Cavalry Division, seeking to protect his homeland whilst feeling the thrills of imminent danger. There, he mastered horse riding, swordplay, and many other martial skills, yet found himself a chivalrous footsoldier with a knack for disabling siege weaponry and ambush tactics. During one of these ambushes against a suspected Khiven war camp, he stumbled across not enemy soldiers but native refugees barely clinging to life. Surrendering his weaponry, alongside a handful of sympathetic comrades, he fed and watered as many as he could, and over time became integrated into their small society. The handful of allies he banded with joined hands with native skirmishers to help level the playing field in attempts to protect this camp. Seven battles later, with several military and civillian casualties, and a broken leg into the bargain, Bentley and his team of guerilla fighters managed to slip away, leading the refugees to safety to a nearby farm.   After successfully remaining undetected for the few weeks, the war was declared over as the Treaty of Native Consul was signed - providing the natives will a large section of land to prosper. Returning to Galador, he hanged up the tattered armour and weapons, donning the musty suit he had neglected for the past several months. From then, he has continued to expand enterprise, working alongside the Queen's Council to create a war weapon to defend the capital against Novarian invasion, as well as found the Blackwood Institute with his sister, Maxine Blackwood. Yet, his connections have made him almost a notorious source of information, and some higher up officials see him as a double agent for Novaris, given his families ties to the Empire. Evidence of this has yet to be brought to light, and he continues to fortify the region's economy.   Now, he has ventured south to provide auctions to aid in funding the soon to be war effort, as well as regain wealth from reclaimed goods to continue side projects. Despite all of his distractions, he has found himself often caught in an emotional state that often shuts him away from those he would often commune with - often attributed to the horrors he had seen during the 4th Elysian Civil War.

Gender Identity

Male, he/him




Bentley was educated in the Royal Academy of Galador, achieving a Doctorate in Economics and Business Enterprise. However, he has been ocassionally overheard detailing his Masters Degree in History - his one true passion.


Bentley has worked under the Blackwood & Sons, Ltd. Banking Company since he was 14, and now runs the Elysia branch. His other venture, the Blackwood Institute, has only been in the works for the past few years and often consumes the rest of his time.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Defied family norms and joined the military, gaining the Star of Izram and promotion to 1st Lieutenant for his honour towards chivalric code and protection of innocents
  • Funded the Alexander Project
  • Provided no-return loans to small family ventures to help boost the region's economy, in preparation for war
  • Has been heralded as one of Elysia's greatest philanthropists.
  • Purchased land to expand the Khiven Reservation

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Lost in a game of Five Dragons, a popular past-time in high society, which lost him 10,000gp
  • Has not seen his two sons in three years due to commitments, of whom have been raised exclusively by his Estate Staff.
  • Attempted to bankrupt Shuman Tursiart after he failed to uphold a contract, however lost in high court due to legislative loopholes.

Mental Trauma

  • Lost his wife, Morana, during his second son's birth.
  • Saw acts of cruelty performed by supposed allies during his time in the 19th Calvary Division
  • Received several injuries resulting from a mechanical failure of a trebuchet, causing him to become paralysed at the sight of untamed fire and lit Orelford's Oil - a highly flammable, sticky, substance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bentley is a charismatic intellectual, often considered empathetic, inviting, and trustworthy with a hunger for discovery and knowledge. Due to his somewhat extensive time and experiences throughout his life, he has become a masterful storyteller that can grip even the most apprehensive listener. He has, on the other hand, been known to be extremely aggressive towards those who betray his trust or use him to meet an end. If such situations occur, many have regretted crossing him.

Morality & Philosophy

"I often see myself as a poor man, not in terms of wealth or land, but experience. Money may buy you the world, but it can never buy you time."


  • Lack of understanding towards native culture, history, and religion
  • Phobic behaviours towards those not amongst the norm (e.g. Orcs, Tieflings, etc.)


Contacts & Relations

  • Sergeant Gwestivir "Gwestoc" Le Vilimeth, Royally appointed bodyguard and best friend

Family Ties

  • Earl of Gildefort, Rubin Blackwood (Father)
  • Lady Maxine Blackwood (Sister and Business Partner)
  • Torin Blackwood (Eldest Son)
  • Eliot Blackwood (Youngest Son)

Religious Views

Bentley has been raised as a Orthodox Pelorian, and can be seen worshipping at the break of dawn on a traditional tweed pillow.

Social Aptitude

Often seen as the most charismatic and outwardly spoken Blackwood child, Bentley has an aptitude for storytelling and relating to others. His outward manners appear to change dependent on the company he keeps, such as maintaining a nobleman's etiquette when in influentials or being more casual, be it suave, in the company of common folk.


As much as his physical postures and manners may change, his vocabulary and vocal rhythms make him more articulate than simpler folk and is something he cannot shake.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Bentley has a pet warhorse, a black Arbondore (a traditional mountainous workhorse), named Onyx.
  • He is fond of artifacts and artwork of cultural significance, seeking to learn the history or story behind it.
  • An avid collector of rare plants and stores them within his Estate's greenhouse


Voice: Non-typical Elysian accent, more in line with Victorian British than Scandinavian or French. High enunciation and attenuation, complimentary of his privileged upbringing and education. Often will have a crass language but will use his massive lexicon of language to word it in an unoffensive manner. Phrases:
  • "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening"
  • "Is it perchance... (subject or topic)... or (alternative subject or topic)
  • "I shall easily procure aid to your future ventures, seek me out when you find the time"
  • "Well if that isn't a right thorn in one's haunches"
  • "Dashing and daring oft begets death and disaster" (when someone proposes something ridiculous)
  • "I would rather ride my beloved steed into a field of one hundred spearmen than listen another moment to this"
  • "When the time comes, I can call upon some favours to delegate this matter, yet as of now, I am unable to provide ample information"

Wealth & Financial state

Lord Blackwood is an upper class aristocrat, with an estimated wealth around a half million gold. He has invested heavily in archaeological excavations and technological experiments, as well as hundreds of small businesses.

Aristocrat and entreprenuer, Lord Blackwood is one of the most technically and financially savvy individuals in Kagarra. Crippled from war, he spends his days aided by a cane, but when the leash is let go, the dog of war comes to play.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, Lieutenant
Date of Birth
43rd of Fuarain
Galador, Elysia
Current Residence
Galador, Elysia
Thick, wavy, red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan, freckled
157 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Bentley is verbally fluent in several languages, including: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Orcish (and Khivish Orc), as well as Novarian Common. He can write in only Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Novarian Common. He can read all languages he can speak.

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