Lament Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Sentinel Lament (a.k.a. Grimstalker)

The honoured Sentinel Raven of Seeker Tobias Takanome. Lament has served under Tobias' guide for thousands of years, a gift to him from the Raven Queen, to keep watch when he needs him most.   It seems that only Akara Takanome and Tobias can understand him fully, through his complex chirruping, cawing, and squawking, they can comprehend his language almost to the word.   Most see him as an omen of death, and so they should...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lament is fast, agile, and flexible, as most common corvids are.

Body Features

Black feathers, crested with a glowing blue pattern.

Facial Features

A slight scar across his beak.

Identifying Characteristics

Glowing blue crest.

Physical quirks

Bounces aggressively when excited.

Special abilities

Lament has Truesight, invulnerability to damage, and can see up to 2 miles away. When he is perched on Tobias' shoulder, people tend not to be able to see him correctly, or finding themselves gaze past him.

Personality Characteristics


Nobody knows Lament's true intentions, or if they are the same as Tobias', but one day, they'll find out. He's made sure of that.


Contacts & Relations

Tobias Takanome - Owner

Family Ties

Lament is a relative to all living corvids.

Social Aptitude

People see Lament as outgoing, adventurous, and mischievous
Current Location
The Shadowfell
Current Residence
Fort Blackwater, Lake Blackwater, Rivenhollow, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
Glowing, blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Squawk, squawk, squawk!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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