Tif Arelost Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Tif Arelost

Mind over matter

Created by Mu

Seeker Tiffany Arelost (a.k.a. Tif the Marvelous)

The smartest woman in the world, tactician to the largest empire in the known realms, and above all else, a considerably questionable alcoholic, Tif Arelost is a mastermind and prophet of the grandest order.   Known for her famous "Arelost's Prophecy", she predicted the return of her most sworn enemy, Gorivax, in which the ghosts of the past will rise up against the red death that burns the skies. Little did she know that she was a part of that prophecy and stood beside those ghosts as a powerful ally.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tif is relatively short for her racial make-up, stout, narrow, and light as a feather. She is considerably agile and strong for any mage out there, but she is prone to the common cold during winter seasons, which renders her spellcasting useless.

Body Features

Lightly tanned skin, minor freckling, some scars from battles and arcane training.

Facial Features

Sporting slightly pointed ears, long facial structure but soft features, she is considered a standard Half-Elf.

Identifying Characteristics

The brooch on her cloak is unmistakable.

Physical quirks

When inquisitive, she will often bow over, looking up with her hands cupped behind her back.

Special abilities

Tif is one of the original Seekers who was first to unlock her "affinity", dubbed "Conscious Impossibility", she is able to recall any spell she has seen and cast it once, as well as being able to cast some spells without burning out any mana reserves within her body.

Apparel & Accessories

Light breastplate, powder blue cloak and brooch atop a selection of finery that has been enchanted for combat use as well as stylish flair for official occasions.

Specialized Equipment

Arcane magic and learned spellcasting.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Tif identifies as female.


You might need to get back to her on that one...


Royal Academy of War, Novis City, Novaria, Novarian Empire College of Thain, Niris, Novarian Empire Rivenhollow School of the Arcane Arts, Rivenhollow, Ganeria, Novarian Empire


Tif is currently employed by Emperor Novaris, ruler of the Novarian Empire, as his most trusted war tactician and diplomatic adviser. She is also employed under the regime of the Seven Seekers as their lore master, and as well as in the Phantoms Guild in Ganeria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tif is recognised as the most intelligent woman in Urithan, boasting an IQ of 310 and straight As in her education record. She is also known for the success of the Siege of Fort Valeruun during the 600-year Draenia War, where her intellect and cunning aided the Novarian Army in crushing the opposing forces at play.

Failures & Embarrassments

Tif has on multiple occasions been seen drunk in public, having a strong resistance to alcohol poisoning, she often will go overboard and stumble out of whatever establishment she is in, straight into the streets.

Mental Trauma

Tif is tragically affected at the loss of her comrade, Hromir, the Garland Knight, after his battle with Gorivax. She bore witness to his sacrifice to save her and to seal away Gorivax in an infernal prison. She has never been the same since.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tif is spatially aware, acute in her knowledge, studious, forward thinking, wise, and considerably a gigantic nerd.

Morality & Philosophy

"If it has the three basic components, I can cast it. If I can't, then I'll try to drink it."


As with all associations with the Novarian Empire, Tif has been held accountable for brutal acts of warfare solely to secure a victory, some considering her a warlord with an administrative position.

Personality Characteristics


Tif wishes to see the end of the Seekers, by destroying Gorivax, the "Red Death", and freeing the world of his evil. Then, and only then, will she be content in her existence.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tif is a master of dragonchess, philosophy, and all things magical. She is, however, terrible at Gods save the Emperor - a game in which each player has a large tankard of alcohol and somebody drops a sovereign in, and has to down the drink before anyone else. She has been quoted in saying "it should be called 'Gods save the poor cleaner'."

Likes & Dislikes

Tif seems to love everything in life; people, knowledge, adventures, and treasures. She despises mocktails and celery, so don't get her started, you might find a Delayed Blast Fireball in your drink...

Virtues & Personality perks

Takes initiative, quick to act, though-provoking, and a natural-born leader.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is never more than 1ft away from an alcoholic substance.

Personality Quirks

Supremely eccentric and excitable, like a wonder lust filled child.


She is immaculate but will always joke that she can be dirty when she wants to be.


Contacts & Relations

Argus Wulfruun, 11th Seeker, Champion of Odin, the God of War The Phantoms Guild Emperor Novaris The Seven Seekers Ioun, Goddess of Knowledge

Family Ties

Tif's family line still exists, however, she has never shown face to her great-great-great-great-great-great-great... Grandchildren.

Religious Views

Tif is not wholly religious, believing more in the progress of science and the arcane than worship.

Social Aptitude

Tif is capable of dulling down her eccentricity to blend in with crowds, finding herself extremely persuasive and intimidating in some places.


She has a very pronounced way of speaking which can speed up dramatically when she is excited.

Hobbies & Pets

She reads way too much.


She has a distinctive mousy voice which shifts to a more serious tone when she is attempting to be serious.

Wealth & Financial state

Tif is considered one of the more wealthy women in the Novarian Empire, having a large estate and duchy to look after. She has an estimated wealth of 2,000,000gp, but never carries more that 20pp on her person, for potions and reading materials.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Royal Tactician of the Armada, Duchess of Tredgar, Empirical Dragonchess Champion, Fifth Best Tavern Brawler in Varean
Year of Birth
1999972 2001630 Years old
Caer Festik, Novaria, Novarian Empire
Current Residence
Fort Blackwater, Rivenhollow, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
Sky blue, gleaming, soft
Long, chestnut, groomed
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Certainlydiddlydo!" "Oh my gods, oh my gods! That's sooooo cool!" "Ioun is crying in the corner after I took those eighteen shots of vodka, I can tell." "Breakfast is served." "Let's... Eh... Never do that again. That was... Just nah, just nah. Nuh-uh!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Tif can read, write, and speak all languages, except Deep Speech.
Character Prototype
Kimmy Schmidt, or any eccentric, wild, and spontaneous character.

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