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Carthadas is a land of imperious castles, rolling fiefdoms, and kings vying for power. Compared to other parts of the world, the rustic land of Carthadas seems to be behind the times. However, its people are content (if a bit odd). Inhabitants of this country are welcoming to strangers from foreign lands, but hostile to people who serve a different lord than themselves. Cathardans revere hard work, loyalty, and looking out for each other above all else (though these values only extend to people who serve the same lord). Theirs is a hard way of life, and it is common for people to die young. Nevertheless, travelers will find it rich with mineral resources and fertile farm lands.  

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The sprawling collection of principalities stretches almost from coast to coast, so the terrain of Carthadas is diverse. The climate ranges from temperate to subtropical, with a longer cold season in the north and a longer warm season in the south. Two rivers serve as natural borders between the three principalities of Carthadas. The landscape is dominated by tracts of open country and associated vegetation or by tracts of land wet with acid peat vegetation. Deep and old, the deciduous Far Hill Forest breaks up the rolling hills. Time and direction seem to be distorted in these woods.  


Carthadans are resolute, and they find solace in teachings of The Wild Hunt and the Church of the Long Death. Farmers celebrate The Big Mother. The Mother, Leverett, and The Willow, Leanne, bring bounty that enables them to care for themselves and their communities.   Not everyone is satisfied with the status quo, and a disquieting percentage of the population hold with The Chimera. His followers do what they must to make the world suit them better.  


The major lords are King Vadas (in the north), Queen Tainya (in the center), and Queen Karucia III (in the south), though the aristocracy under each of them is always itching to get to the top.   Political tensions between Carthadas and Sihnolae are high, due to the Empire’s recent conquest of Phoebek. Carthadas, surrounded by militaristic Sihnolae and its colonies, fears that the Imperial Army may march against them at any time. Because of this, the lords of Carthadas have begun conscription and stockpiling arms, armaments, and food.   An upstart calling himself The Hand of Graveguard is causing trouble in the north of Carathas, waging war with help from monks of Alere. To this point, he has only claimed territory that none of the other rulers care about, on the borders of the Withered Expanse. His goals are unclear, but the future of Carthadas’ leaders may be uncertain….


  • Cathardans revere hard work, hospitality, and fellowship above all else, though these values only extend to people who serve the same lord or to complete strangers. Loyalty to a particular lord is shown through specific clothing styles, jewelry, or make-up:
    • Those loyal to King Vadas paint an intricate red tear falling from their right eye. The shape and shade of the droplet are crucial - getting these right is a Shibboleth test. Wealthier vassals might wear tiaras or necklaces inlaid with amber.
    • Queen Karucia II’s vassals wear make-up to make their skin appear paler. Wealthier folk might add white wigs, white clothes, and/or white nail polish. The color is said to represent purity
    • Carthadans who side with Queen Tainya wear a rope bracelet or anklet with a green stone or bead of green glass. Wealthier or more dedicated supporters also have their eye color permanently changed to green or black. Some Carthadans may be hostile even to their own lord. The Hand of Graveguard has claimed (inhospitable) territory on the border of Carthadas and the Withered Expanse and Carthadans may side with them.
  • Carthadans accent their clothes, weapons, and armor with bone because bones are considered lucky. Carthadans are more accepting of unusual groups, such as Hybrids, Reborn, Dhampirs, and Witches (hexbloods) but distrustful of everyone from Sihnolae’s Empire (including Sihnolae, Sihndroma, Nolekatan, and Phoebek).
  • Technology in Carthadas is rustic. Gunpowder is used for mining and has not been weaponized. Most Carthadans have not traveled by airship or lightning rail. Artificers and witches might be burned at the stake.
  • In northern Carthadas (Kingdom of Vadas), Alere’s creations cross the shared border with the Withered Expanse. Monstrosities are kept in captivity as pack animals, farm animals, and livestock. Northern Carthadans are also generally more accepting of Hybrids than other cultures.
  • Social mobility is not really a thing. The concept of doing anything other than what your parents did or moving up to a higher station is pretty alien.
  • Property and titles are inherited by the firstborn child in a family line, unless otherwise stipulated by the parent(s). Children are considered the property of their parents until they come of age at 15 (or equivalent for their race).
  • Having a daughter is considered lucky. Having two daughters is considered luckier. Having three or more daughters is hoarding too much luck. That luck needs to be redistributed. Families with more than two daughters offer up their third and later daughters to their lord or their lord’s vassals, depending on the rank of the family. A peasant would offer their daughter to the local knight; a knight would offer their daughter to the vassal; a vassal would offer their daughter to the lord. The lord can decline, but the offer must be made.

"A Peace Resolute and Eternal"

Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Principalities of Carthadas
Cathardan (Cathardans)
Government Type
Absolute Monarchy
Common Races
Halfling, Half-elf, Half-orc, Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Dhampir, Reborn
Common Gods/Religions
The Wild Hunt, The Big Mother, Church of the Long Death, The Chimera
Primary Industries
mining, farming, textiles

Cover image: Castle of Dispair by