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The Planes

There are 5 planes in this setting. No other planes exist (no Nine Hells, no Feywild, no Elemental planes, etc.)  

Evara, The Material Plane

  • The main setting of the world!
  • Playable races that originate from planes that don’t exist in Evara might be (1) native to Evara, (2) native to a different existing plane, or (3) touched by magic/gods. EXAMPLES:
    • Creatures native to the elemental planes originate in Evara in "elemental nodes", i.e., areas where their element is particularly strong. Creatures normally native to the plane of water originate from the undersea trench that splits the two main continents. Creatures normally native to the plane of air originated in Arya Voxus, home of The Arya.
    • "Fey" creatures like elves, gnomes, goblins, and hobgoblins may call the Godswood or Aman-Tal their ancestral homes. Harengon were created by Nalani. Satyrs and centaurs are children of Alere.

Divine Dimension

  • The extraplanar residence of the Gods lies beyond the reach of most mortals (though the divine dimension can be accessed with plane shift or similar magic). The gods' constellations in the night sky are the physical manifestation of the Divine Dimension on the Material Plane.
  • The Divine Dimension is less like a single, unified plane and more like a series of connected demiplanes. Once inside, it is possible to access other parts, though connections are not universal. For example, one may be able to reach The First God, Adar’s, domain from Thara’s, but not be able to access The Chimera, Alere's domain from Thara's. Adar’s domain might have one-way access points to all other domains.
  • When a god dies, their realm in the Divine Dimension begins to implode, a slow demise that can take decades or even centuries as it becomes increasingly disordered and destabilized.
  • Features from the canon D&D Upper Planes (Mechanus, Arcadia. Celestia, Arborea, etc.), may be found in the demiplanes of the divine dimension.

Dark Dimension

  • The Dark Dimension exists below Evara's crust but just out of phase with the Material Plane. Though breaches to the Dark Dimension are not common, the most common way to reach it is through underground passages. The vast majority of tunnels and caves do not lead to the Dark Dimension, but manifest zones where the barrier between worlds is thin can lead to the Dark Dimension. Portals can occur on Evara's surface but very rarely do.
  • This utterly alien environment is not simply one thing, but rather a spread of connected demiplanes. The demiplanes of the dark dimension may vary wildly from one another: one might be a dark reflection of some part of Evara, another may be unable to support life, and still another might be composed entirely of living flesh. These strange, small worlds are home to beings whose appearance and speech can shatter a persons sanity. Outsiders that are not natural products of Evara or part of the gods' designs originate from the Dark Dimension. This includes creatues such as fiends, aberrations, and oozes. Some scholars hypothesize that terrors of the dark dimension are the manifestations of The Behemoths' nightmares.
  • Features of the canon D&D Lower Planes (Gehenna, Hell, Carceri, etc.) and the Far Realm may have parallel features in the demiplanes of the Dark Dimension.

Ethereal Plane

  • A pale reflection of the Material Plane, the Etheral Plane is a misty, fog-bound dimension with a layered architecture similar to a hurricane. At the "Border" Ethereal, every location on the Material Plane has an exact corresponding location in the Ethereal Plane. These fog-shrouded shores are whispy grey reflections of the world just outside of reach.
  • The deeper one goes, the darker the Ethereal becomes; landmarks in the Material Plane are recognizable in the Ethereal but are twisted. The "Deep" Ethereal is a place of darkness, a black vault with neither sun nor stars. Memories of people, places, and even gods exist in the spaces between grey sands and black skies. Some scholars say that the ethereal realm was the first home of the gods before the their divine war warped it into the horrid state it occupies today. In remote corners of the Ethereal Plane, it is possible to reach horrific demiplanes ruled over by accursed beings of unfathomable evil.
  • The "Eye" of the Ethereal is pure chaos, a roiling soup of impermanent matter and energy - made up of the same components of the Material Plane but without natural laws. Stone melts into water that freezes into diamond that burns up and becomes snow that dissolves into smoke and so on endlessly. Fragments of ordinary landscape may drift through this gravityless nightmarish riot. In the Eye of the Ethereal, matter conforms to will.
  • Features of the canon D&D Ethereal Plane, Shadowfell, Limbo, and the Far Realm may have parallel features in the Evaran Ethereal Plane.

Astral Plane

  • The astral plane is an in-between location; it is not so much a place as it is a route. Any time a creature travels to another plane or teleports to another spot on the same plane, they are traversing the Astral Plane. In cases of teleportation (such as misty step, dimension door, teleportation circle, etc.), ceatures may be completely unaware of the Atral Plane's involvement. Traveling directly to the Astral Plane requires plane shift or similar magic.
  • Time does not pass on the Astral Plane. Because of this, creatures don't age or suffer from bodily urges. Species that live predominately in the Astral Plane, such as Githyanki and Astral Elves, must have outposts on Evara or other planes to allow their children to mature. The absence of time in the Astral Plane also means that very few species are truly native to it, and the creatures that are are unlike anything that exists in other planes.
  • To travel to any destination within the Astral Plane requires strength of mind. Beings of intelligence can focus on a destination, and their minds will propel them through the Astral Plane toward their goal. The greater the creature’s intelligence, the faster they are propelled. The destination can be a point the creature is aware of that exists within the Astral Plane (i.e., “I want to go to a gold color pool”) or a destination that can be reached by traversing the Astral Plane (i.e., “I want to go to Adar's Realm”). If a creature concentrates on a destination that cannot be reached from the Astral Plane, they cease moving.
  • When a god dies, their corpse appears on the Astral Plane as a giant, stone statue of their likeness. These god-corpses are basically the only solid ground to be found there, and astral denizens use them as the basis for building their cities or harvest them for resources.
Dimensional plane