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The White Stag, Ogden

God of Forests and Freedom

The White Stag stands for an idealized version of nature: a world free of the shackles of responsibility where the only dictate is to satisfy your needs. He discourages agrarian societies but supports hunter-gatherer societies that work within the natural world.

He is also associated with festivals and merry-making. Although he is not a god of the harvest, the first glass of wine at harvest festivals is often poured for him and for Leverett.

Ogden appears to mortals in the form of a White Stag, a now-extinct race of Animal People. He has the upper body of a man and the lower body of a deer. A magnificent rack of antlers sprouts from his brow.



There is no organized religion around Ogden, but he responds to the service of druids, rangers, and clerics. As a rustic god, Ogden is not worshiped in constructed edifices or temples but rather in natural settings, usually clearings, meadows, or grottoes.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oak tree, Stag

Tenets of Faith

  • Forests are the greatest and most sacred ground in the world.
  • Bring music, joy, and light-hearted revelry into the world.
  • Always seek to expand the forest, and also share the forest’s gifts with others.
  • Do it as they do on the discovery channel; you’re not responsible for whatever comes of your actions.
Piety System
Generic article | May 7, 2023

Actively championing a god is optional, but comes with perks


Family Ties

Daughter: Willow, Leanne

Other Information

  • Has a nasty habit of trapping mortals in his woods. Many of these mortals struggle for survival and eventually die. He also uses it as a chance to sleep with beautiful women, as was the case with Leverett, and generally ignores the consequences.
  • In some ways, Ogden is responsible for the shape that Alere gave to his Children. Seeing the race of majestic White Stags, Alere hybridized a horse and an elf. Alere did not understand the revulsion with his creation; functionally, it was the exact same thing as the White Stag species.
  • He is responsible for the ascension of Leverett and Leanne because he wanted Leanne to become a goddess and stay with him, but the child refused to become anything without her mother. His favor for Leanne faded as a result, but despite tensions with them, he is still very possessive of Leanne and her mother.
The Gods
Generic article | Jul 24, 2022

There are 16 recognized gods presiding over the world of Evara. Ten gods died before the common era, their petrified remains consigned to the Astral Plane.

Ogden the White Stag by Phoenix509
Divine Domains
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
White stag, horned one, forest guardian
Forests, wildlife, mountains, wine, festivities
Holy Symbol
Oak tree, Stag

Cover image: by Phoenix509