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The Ethereal Incursion

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


A host of mind flayers and their aberrant thralls invade Evara, breaching the Material Plane from manifest zones in modern Ciashra. This was the first major incursion from another plane and the first recorded proof of life in other planes.   The peoples of Ciashra, Eridania, Ekreles, and Rhosia worked together to overcome the threat. Autholokas, an elvish general from Ekreles, organized the resistance. A charismatic leader, she not only united the continent against the common threat but also persuaded nations across the Sirennean Sea - notably Darbek - to supply arms and aid. When the conflict was won, Autholokas was rewarded for her heroism by becoming an avatar of Nalani.

A host of mind flayers and other foul aberrations invade Evara, breaching the Material Plane from manifest zones in modern Ciashra. Everywhere they went, they left the touch of madness and monsters.   This development sent a shockwave through the Divine Dimension: these aberrations had not been created by the gods. They were not gods themselves. They were not even of Evara. And yet, they lived and they, too, created life - fusing some creatures together and corrupting others.   The entire pantheon (save for Alere) denounced the mindflayers.   But the gods' denuncation didn't stop the destruction, so the peoples of Evara took up the fight against the incursion. It was only through the united, persistent effort that the champions of Evara forced the mindflayers back from whence they came. The combined effort of the nations could not close the portals, but did make them become dormant.   The Ekrele leader who marshalled the forces and lead multinational armies into battle, Autholokas, was rewarded by the gods: the first living avatar of Nalani in millennia.   Nalani also recruited the spirits known as quori, who became known to the world during the Ethereal incusion, to be her sentinels in the Ethereal Plane. As a means of cementing the alliance, quori spirits bound themselves to humans, creating the kalashtar race.

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