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History of Evara

Before the beginning, the creation of a new world, the discovery of life, the war of the gods... the history of Evara is short, but full. What will your contribution to history be?

Age of Behemoths

... > -10000

  • Before the beginning
    the Big Bang

    In the very distant past, before the gods came to the world: dragons, fiends, elementals, aberrations, Fey, and nymphs were born from the “Big Bang” - the residual divine energy from the behemoths becoming the world.   These lifeforms were already fairly sophisticated by the time Lagahashra and Adar began to experiment with creation. The taboo against worshipping beings other than gods stems in part from the gods' distrust of creatures that were of the behemoths, but not intentional creations of the behemoths.

Age of Creation

-10000 〉-4000

The Behemoths eventually grew tired of their place in the multiverse and became the world. The Age of Creation is characterized by genesis: the genesis of new gods, the genesis of new species, and the genesis of new cultures.

  • -6000 ACR

    -3000 ACR

    Celestial / Cosmic

    Adar and Lagahashra, the Behemoth’s only creations, were left to their own devices for millennia. The two gods enjoyed each other’s company, but their thirst for change could not be satisfied by the Divine Dimension. They descend to the world and begin experimenting.

  • -5000 ACR

    -5000 ACR

    Formation of Arya Voxus
    Geological / environmental event

    A powerful quake shattered the mountain range below the Sirennean sea and the broken mountains rocketed into the sky.

    More reading
    Arya Voxus
  • -3000 ACR

    -3000 ACR

    Founding of Ekreles

    Elven tribes become the founding species of Ekreles.

    More reading
  • -2700 ACR

    -2700 ACR

    The first apotheosis
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ever the experimentalist, Adar asks Lagahashra to choose a pair of siblings. Lagahashra chooses two elves, a brother and a sister. Adar raises them to Godhood, making Erela and Alere the first mortals to become divine.   As a consequence, two new constellations mark the sky and two new demiplanes manifest in the Divine Dimension: one for each of the newborn gods.

  • -2650 ACR

    -2650 ACR

    Nalani's Ascension
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lagahashra grants godhood to Nalani, a half-orc residing in Ekreles. Her first act a god is to create the evolutionary ancestors of Animal People, scattering them throughout the world in their "natural habitats" (i.e., the natural habitat of their related animal).   Sauropsida and Mammalians from the main continents settled the Kamaraha islands.

  • -2450 ACR

    -2450 ACR

    Apotheosis of Oros and Auros
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Oros takes his place in the Evaran pantheon as the god of fortune. Adar accidentally grants godhood to Auros, the animal companion of Oros.   Auros (accidentally) brings fire to mortals. Elves, giants, and dwarves made use of this technology to improve their societies. Cooking, metalsmithing, and tattooing became commonplace.

  • -2450 ACR

    -2450 ACR

    Ascension of Oros and Auros
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Oro, an Orcish weaponsmith, takes his place in the Evaran pantheon as the god of fortune. As a mortal, Oros crafted not one, not two, but ten masterwork weapons infused with unfathomably powerful magic. No one else in history had been able to achieve what Oros had done, especially at such great risk inherent to capturing such strong energy. Adar the Creator recognized this legendary accomplishment with a legendary reward: deification.   Adar tangentially granted godhood to The Bright One, Auros, the animal companion of Oros.

  • -2300 ACR

    -2275 ACR

    The Pantheon swells
    Celestial / Cosmic

    By -6275, the gods add seven additional deities to the pantheon: Rydia, queen of the seas; the Arya, gods of the winds; Veleda, goddess of stone; Lusticia, goddess of justice (deceased in current era) ; Toron, god of seasons (deceased in current era) ; Garstos, god of mischief (deceased in the current era) ; and Liveertia, goddess of Lightning (deceased in the current era).   The gods create the evolutionary ancestors of halflings (Garstos), dwarves (Veleda), goblins (Lagahashra), tritons (Rydia), kenku (the Arya), and minotaurs (Lusticia).

  • -2000 ACR

    -1000 ACR

    The Birth of "Humans"
    Cultural event

    In an attempt to impress Adar, Lagahashra creates the edain; an intelligent and social species with a gift for creative adaptation and violence. Adar is impressed, but begins to clandestinely shape the edains’ evolution into a more peaceful and creative species. Lagahashra is unaware of this. Unbeknownst to either of them, this species is the ancestor of modern humans.

  • -1780 ACR

    -1780 ACR

    Extinction of dinosaurs

    The dinosaurs become extinct because Giants overhunted them.

  • -1670 ACR

    -1500 ACR

    The Pantheon Swells II
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Between -5670 and -5500, six mortals are raised to godhood: Rodelia, goddess of Forest Light (deceased in current age) ; Stoan, god of Forest Darkness (deceased in current age) ; Ogden (god of forests, wine, and revelry) ; Vorten, god of beauty (deceased in current age) ; Leverett, goddess of fertility; and Leanne, goddess of joy. The Evaran Pantheon is 22-strong.

  • -1500 ACR

    -1450 ACR

    Ekrelean Diaspora
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elven wayfinders from Ekreles’ Lunar Islands arrived (following the colonization of their own homelands by outsiders) in Kamaraha. Tensions between the early and later settlers are fraught until five dragons establish leadership over all the humanoid inhabitants of Kamaraha - one for each of the main islands and one to oversee the dragons themselves.

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  • -1000 ACR

    -496 ACR

    Rising Faithful
    Religious event

    Thara and Bahram ascend. With their ascension, the first major mortal civilizations began to acquire wealth and sophisticated systems of trade. The sapient beings in these civilzations begin to treat the gods as idols of worship, rather than simply great-great-(etc.) grandparents.   Adar makes his first public venture into mortal cities. From Aman-Tal, he selects handsome men to serve as his priests… and as his playthings. His visits to Aman-Tal end only with the city's destruction, but by then worship of the gods is already widespread.

  • -101 ACR

    -1 ACR

    Rising Divine Tensions
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lusticia, goddess of justice, confronts Adar about the wanton way he and the other gods grant godhood. Adar does not heed her warnings or advice. Rumblings of discontent spread throughout the pantheon without Adar’s knowledge.   Lagahashra accidentally kills Oros during an argument.

  • -91 ACR

    -1 ACR

    Ciashran Coup
    Military action

    A dynasty of hobgoblin warlords who emerged from the Godswood take over much of modern Rhosia and Eridania. They attempt to tame Ciashra as well. Lagahashra is having none of it and recreates the goblinoids living within his playground in his own image (birth of bugbears), ending the warlords' expansion on the southern continent.


Age of Conflict

-4000 〉-2000

Tensions between the gods reach a fevered pitch. Lagahashra decides there are too many gods and it’s time to thin the herd. War of the Gods begins, and their mortal followers wage their gods' battles. As conflict rises, some deities (like Ogden, Leverett, and Willow) go into hiding while others take sides.

  • -1600 ACO

    -1602 ACO

    The Goblinoid Expansion
    Military action

    Goblins and hobgoblins from across the Sirennean sea conquered the territory comprising modern Nolaekatan, stealing it away from the fiefdoms of Carthadas. Sihnolae crushed the goblinoid empire of Nolaekatan and installed a puppet government in its place. The first imperial magistrate is installed.

  • -1500 ACO

    -1493 ACO

    Seven Years of Summer

    During a period of the war when three of the four Arya were imprisoned, the winds of the Ayra did not blow. Only Soreph, the south wind and bringer of summer, was free in Evara. As a consequence, the lands were trapped in summer for seven years.   As a further consequence of the wind gods' imprisonment, the floating island of Arya Voxus settled over the territory of modern Rhosia. Crops died and waters swelled as the becalmed island loitered overhead. It wasn't until Adar liberated the trapped wind gods that summer finally ended and Arya Voxus moved on.

  • -1467 ACO

    -1148 ACO

    Extinction and Destruction

    The great civilizations of elves, dwarves, giants, and goblinoids are decimated by the gods’ conflict. The furred mantis and white stag species are wiped out by creatures that sided with Lagahashra’s rebellion.

  • -1410 ACO

    -1400 ACO

    Apotheosis of the Greenwalker
    Celestial / Cosmic

    While the Gods and their devoted Mortals continue to wage war, the natural resources of the world are exploited to feed the war engine. A young furred mantis, Kiel, demands that Ogden do his duty and protect the people of the forests. When this fails, Kiel challenges Adar directly to a duel, over the right to have a better forest God than Ogden. Adar loses. Kiel ascends as the next forest God.

  • -1200 ACO

    -1200 ACO

    The Withering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    While the people of the world continue fueling the war machine, something happens in one of the Giants’ cities. While the land and infrastructure remain untouched, the population is completely annihilated. The Chimera, Alere, and The Last God, Lagahashra, capitalize on the misfortune and repurpose the place as a testing ground for monsters and undead.

    Withered Expanse
  • -300 ACO

    -310 ACO

    The Elemental War

    While the gods tussled and the faithful followed, the peoples of Kamaraha were faced with their own conflict. Elemental spirits (genies) inhabiting the Spiral Islands took exception to draconic rule - the genies claimed that as children of the behemoths, they should reign supreme. The genies rallied the humanoid populace around them, dividing the nation and driving it to the brink of civil war. Negotiations resulted in disbanding the dracocracy. Each island was largely left to govern itself, but top representatives formed a conclave to keep the peace and serve in times of need.

  • -260 ACO

    -255 ACO

    Sihnolaen Expansion I
    Military action

    The armies of Sihnolae conquer Orrdia. WIth their dominance over this nation, they have ports from which to launch mercantile ventures and build a navy.

  • -241 ACO

    -241 ACO

    Eruption of Maouna Kawana
    Geological / environmental event

    Maouna Kawana in Kamaraha caused the largest volcanic eruption in history, dramatically reshaping the islands and covering a full ¼ of the world in volcanic night. The summers in the aftermath of the eruption were some of the coldest on record. Ash from the explosion buried a 20-square-mile (50-square-km) area to the mountain's west, which remains blanketed to this day. The cataclysm damaged the nearby settlements, which only fully recovered more than a century later.

  • -240 ACO

    -190 ACO

    Founding of Sirennea

    Construction of the island of Sirennea begins in the aftermath of the Mouna Kawana eruption. The project is initiated by dwarvish and gnomish ex-patriots of Orrdia, who use and expand their knowledge of harnessing natural energies.

  • -100 ACO

    -90 ACO

    The sacking of Ulomalomaloa
    Disaster / Destruction

    The gods’ mortal armies needed additional resources to fuel their fight. Invaders from Sihnolae subjugated Ulomalomaloa (modern Sihndroma), plundering it for its rich natural resources. When Ulomalomaloa lost its independence, it lost its name. Now a colony of its militant neighbor, Sihnolae.

  • 0 ACO

    0 ACO

    The commandments
    Era beginning/end

    Adar stripped the ability of gods to make and destroy other gods. He used the residual energy to fashion the Spire, a perfect, bronze obelisk, which he placed in the Godswood.   In addition, he issued The Commandments, a five-part edict to gods and mortals.

    The Godswood
    More reading
    The Gods

Age of Civilization

-2000 and beyond

The war of gods ends with a truce and a treaty. Adar forbade the surviving members of the pantheon from harming one another or use their mortal followers as weapons of war. From the ruins of the past, the human species emerges as the next builder of the future.

  • -1900 ACI

    -1800 ACI

    Sihnolaen Expansion II
    Military action

    Sihnolae conquers part of Carthadas. After a lull of decades, armies of the undead from Carthadas reclaim portions of stolen territory, though Carthadas’s original borders are never fully restored.

  • -1800 ACI

    -1798 ACI

    The Ethereal Incursion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A host of mind flayers and their aberrant thralls invade Evara, breaching the Material Plane from manifest zones in modern Ciashra. This was the first major incursion from another plane and the first recorded proof of life in other planes.   The peoples of Ciashra, Eridania, Ekreles, and Rhosia worked together to overcome the threat. Autholokas, an elvish general from Ekreles, organized the resistance. A charismatic leader, she not only united the continent against the common threat but also persuaded nations across the Sirennean Sea - notably Darbek - to supply arms and aid. When the conflict was won, Autholokas was rewarded for her heroism by becoming an avatar of Nalani.

    More reading
    The Planes
  • -1688 ACI

    -1688 ACI

    Apotheosis of Sadoc
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Blind One, Sadoc, a dragonborn from the Kamaraha Islands ascends to godhood. They are the first (and only) mortal to complete the trials through the Spire of Ascension.

    The Godswood
  • -700 ACI

    Printing Press
    Technological achievement

    The printing press is invented in Arya Voxus

  • -700 ACI

    -699 ACI

    Founding of Eridania's Capital
    Construction beginning/end

    Eridania’s capital city, Epewitt, is founded. A magnificent library and medical university are at its heart. Both endure in modern times.

  • -350 ACI

    -350 ACI

    The Singi Uprising
    Political event

    Rhosia’s authoritarian government casts out the gods. Zealots in the city of Singi, a city near the capital, tear down the most beautiful temple to the Adhara in the world. Thara retaliates by turning the workers and all who resided nearby into salt.

  • -250 ACI

    -250 ACI

    All Hail Queen Melanine
    Political event

    Queen Melanine ascends to the throne of Arya Voxus.

  • -200 ACI

    -200 ACI

    Rydia's Curse
    Disaster / Destruction

    Eridania is “cursed” by Rydia (or possibly blessed by Adar). Either way, the Eridanian rainforest begins its transformation into an arid desert, causing mass migrations, mass extinctions, and hastening the development of new technology to combat the loss of magic.

  • -200 ACI

    -200 ACI

    Invention of the Airship
    Technological achievement

    Airships are invented in Arya Voxus, opening more regular travel between the nation and the places below.   Even in the current year, a trans-oceanic flight has yet to be successfully attempted.

  • -70 ACI

    -50 ACI

    Storm Queen's Seat
    Political event

    Pirate Queen Darcey ‘Mercy’ Valkoku conquered Sirennea and used it as her seat of power until unseated by Sirennea’s inhabitants.

  • -46 ACI

    -46 ACI

    Founding of Nature’s Warriors
    Gathering / Conference

    Nature’s Warriors organization is founded in Sirennea.

  • -21 ACI

    -20 ACI

    Cracks along the Moau Faultline

    Earthquakes along the Moau faultline have revealed ancient underground ruins. Orrdia and Sihnolae are fighting over the site, which could contain important - or powerful - historical artifacts.

  • -15 ACI

    -12 ACI

    Hurricane Phoebek
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    An arcane hurricane howls through Phoebek. The magic of the storm created an unstable site, seeping wild magic from Phoebek into Carthadas, the Withered Expanse, and Darbek. Darbek and Carthadas provided humanitarian aid to their neighbor, Phoebek, but Sihnolae sent more than either of them. It rapidly became apparent that Sihnolae’s humanitarian mission was a thinly veiled effort to take possession of the nation and its resources.   The international effort sponsored by the Ship of the Grand Macaque completes construction of a containment field around the Wild Magic zone in Phoebek. Sihnolae claims Phoebek as a territory due to its financial support of the nation during the catastrophic period of wild magic.

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  • -13 ACI

    The Chariot Erupts
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Chariot erupts for the first time in 300 years just days after an earthquake in the area. As a result, the sky was blackened with ash for one week following the eruption.

  • -6 ACI

    -6 ACI

    All Hail King Krezisc Rekyvich
    Political event

    King Volodymyr of Rhosia dies in a tragic hunting accident. His teenage son Krezisc ascends the throne.

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  • -5 ACI

    The Hand of Graveguard

    The Hand of Graveguard has begun causing trouble for the Lords of Carthadas, waging war with help from monks of Alere.

  • -3 ACI

    Oracles and Prophecy
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The oracles of Ekreles have begun to see glimpses of a new prophecy - one that affects the entire world...

  • -2 ACI

    Invention of the Lightning Rail
    Technological achievement

    A fast and efficient method of ground transportation, the technology for the lightning rail was invented by artificers of Darbek. The first tracks of lightning rail have been laid and first engines, fabricated, but no passengers have yet had the privilege of riding along.

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  • 0 ACI

    The Adventure Begins