Athou Kekskear (ˈɑðaʊ̯ ˈkɛkskɪə̯)

Sheriff Athou Kekskear (a.k.a. Thaidgude)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They have a strong athletic build, and a long scar across his left cheek.

Special abilities

He can speak with the recently deceased.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When he was but 8 years old his parents immigrated from the south. Athou abandoned his home at a very young age, living in the fields and plains. He survived everyday through hunting and stealing from passersby. He did whatever it took for him to survive. He has drifted apart from his friends and has been working freelance. Each gave each other a copy of their signature longsword.


After years in the wilds, Athou began doing some freelance work for the Whormor family, who rule Flattwhor, a county in southern Nedesdia. After nearly a decade under their service, Athou moved to Fuselets, where he began working with local law enforcement. He became deputy within the year, and after six years, when Shuls Wined, the previous sheriff, stepped down, he named Athou as his successor. Athou has been sheriff ever since.

Personality Characteristics


Upholding the law, and seeing that people are cared for.


Social Aptitude

Aside from being a little slow due to sleep deprivation he is generally quite perceptive. He notices little details and can draw good conclusions from them. He is able to fit into much smaller and tighter spaces than normal.

Wealth & Financial state

2000 gp. Black pearl (400 gp). Deep blue spinel (400 gp). Deep blue spinel (400 gp). Black pearl (400 gp). 1 Minor magic item.
Current Location
Current Residence
Long black hair that reaches down to his waist
Aligned Organization


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