Inktober Writing Gauntlet 2018

Join Inktober and the Writers' Gauntlet!

Hosted by Ademal and the Sparks
Welcome, Worldbuilders, to WorldAnvil Inktober and the Writers' Gauntlet!   This is a two-pronged event hosted by Ademal and the Sparks, with aspects for both artists and writers.  

For Artists

For artists we have developed the Inktober Prompts that you see below.

Feel free to do them in any order, but on the WorldAnvil Discord and on social media we will be focusing on the prompt for each day on that day. Challenge yourself to do them on the day of! It's all about practicing and improving!

For Writers

The Gauntlet
Each day of October we will be releasing a small prompt related to the Inktober Prompt for that day. Our challenge to you is to let that inspire you to write about something in your world befitting that prompt.

You can use any template, and may even run in an entirely different direction with it altogether!
And of course, if you're feeling ambitious, you can do both!
Why not write and illustrate an article using each prompt?

  Event Hosts (Click to Expand)


These are your hosts for the Inktober and Writers' Gauntlet events. Hope in the Discord and get to know them, and check out their worlds!


Will there be prizes?
No, this is purely to get you involved in worldbuilding and to get your creative juices flowing! We just want to see what you make!

That said, there may be a sweet badge for those who participate... though we'll need you to comment all your work so we can track it!
Where do I submit work?
Submit your work to social media, tagged with #InktoberWA2018 and @WorldAnvil, on the discord, and find the related prompt below and add your submission to the comments there!
Can I only use Ink?
Nope! Use whatever medium inspires you! Inks, writing, watercolor... even baked goods.
Send us some..

If you have any questions, comment below, poke us on social media, or join the Discord and @ the Crypt Keeper role with your question!   If you want to be kept in the loop of goings on, join the discord, go to the info-roles-and-channels channel, and join Gauntlet Ghoul.

Share your work!

Tag @WorldAnvil! with Inktober stuff!
  And make sure to tag #InktoberWA2018!  


Daily Prompt

Each day we will post a Writers' Gauntlet prompt to social media and Discord. Respond with drawings or writing (or both)!

Costume Contest

On October 25th, World Anvil's 1st birthday, begins the costume contest! Come join the Discord and share pics of you in costume!

Wrap-up Stream

On November 3rd, we will hold a stream discussing the highlights of Inktober and the Gauntlet, and what's upcoming in November!

Articles under Inktober Writing Gauntlet 2018

Inktober Day 00: Color
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Color"

Inktober Day 01: World
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "World"

Inktober Day 02: Heroic
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Heroic"

Inktober Day 03: Predator
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Predator"

Inktober Day 04: Oracle
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Oracle"

Inktober Day 05: Infected
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Infected"

Inktober Day 06: Attack
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Attack"

Inktober Day 07: Crawling
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Crawling"

Inktober Day 08: Matrimony
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 10, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Matrimony"

Inktober Day 09: Element
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Element"

Inktober Day 10: Storm
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Storm"

Inktober Day 11: Lurking
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Lurking"

Inktober Day 12: Villainous
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Villainous"

Inktober Day 13: Defend
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 24, 2019

Today's Prompt is "Defend"

Inktober Day 14: Vacant
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Vacant"

Inktober Day 15: Feast
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 17, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Feast"

Inktober Day 16: Rites
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 17, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Rites"

Inktober Day 17: Fungus
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Fungus"

Inktober Day 18: Poison
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Poison"

Inktober Day 19: Void
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Void"

Inktober Day 20: Hunger
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Hunger"

Inktober Day 21: Swarm
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Swarm"

Inktober Day 22: Treasure
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's prompt is "Treasure"

Inktober Day 23: Respite
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Respite"

Inktober Day 24: Watching
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Watching"

Intkober Day 25: Celebration
Generic article | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Celebration"

Intkober Day 26: Sacred
Generic article | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Sacred"

Inktober Day 27: Prey
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Prey"

Inktober Day 28: Harvest
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's prompt is "Harvest"

Inktober Day 29: Grave
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's prompt is "Grave"

Inktober Day 30: Memory
Tradition / Ritual | Oct 31, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Memory"

Inktober Day 31: Reborn
Generic article | Oct 30, 2018

Today's Prompt is "Reborn"


Author's Notes

Comment below if you have any questions, or join the Discord and ask us directly!

Please Login in order to comment!
Oct 4, 2018 07:49 by Dimitris Havlidis

This is one of the most amazing community driven challenges we had - I am so very happy to be running on October :)

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop