Duchess Lilithu, mother of the Adrelas

Iliyra grew up as a priestess of theInmar tribe, and at a relatively young age, one hundred and forty years old, she became one of the members of the Shonla.
The stormy years of her childhood greatly influenced her worldview. Although Nehalenor had already officially closed its borders to foreigners, the Bugit and Segai troops fleeing from the Army of the United Nations posed a serious threat to the Elves living in Pine Woods. The newly formed Shemons, though powerful, lacked the experience to defend the entire southern and eastern borderlands while the Mystic elvf refugees were pushed back from the west. In Iliyra's opinion, most of the atrocities that befell her tribe could have been avoided if the community had had enough scouts and information.
During her years in Shonla, the priestesses leading the Valley had to face many challenges. The United Nations Army was victorious, while Nehalenor's defenses were greatly reduced when Tyssa Arcori and a significant portion of the Shemons, defying orders, left the Vale to fight the Segai on foreign land. Around them, they faced war-torn, plundered, and impoverished states, but stronger in military technology and army. Nehalenor had come through the Beastman campaign almost unscathed, and one could guess that at least one ruler would think of attacking its "rich" neighbor.
The Council watched the news with concern. When the wife of King Gilmyn of Vasanna died at the end of the Third Era, and the ruler wanted to take a new wife, Iliyra made a difficult decision. She chose her successor from among the priestesses of the Inmar tribe and left the Valley. She took on the persona of Princess Lilithu of Zillon (who had just eloped with her lover to Caster Island), and with quite a bit of help, she got the ruler of Vasanna to choose her from among the six candidates.
As Lilithu, she could never return home, but she regularly sent reports from the Vasanna court to Shonla. Other priestesses and Narmirons soon followed suit, encroaching on the land of Utea and funding the Adrelas.
Even after the king's death, the priestess remained in the Vasanna royal palace, where she had a permanent seat in the Royal Council until the end of her life. Her tomb lies in the royal mausoleum in Highgarden.

Isteni Uradalmak

Luck, Knowledge, Travel. With Lilithu's blessing, she supports the members of Adrelas, providing them powers that allow them to hide from prying eyes or call upon the totem animals/spirits of their tribe.


Bow of the Ancients: This Pinera bow is made from a branch of the Tree of Life given to Iliyra. A silverly glowing arrow appears on the string of the magic bow when stretched, which disappears after the hit.
The weapon traveled an adventurous path until it was lost on the land of Lifeon in the Fourth Era. In the Third Era, as Lilithu, she took it with her to Vasanna, where a Scavenger earned it. When the spy was captured by the Black Arrow of Vasanna, the bow was taken by Lillys Verriona. She gave it years later to Saleiar Thalas. Saleiar took the bow with him to Lifeon, where he and his companions defeated Pandora and Castien, but after there were no records of the legendary weapon.

Isteni Célok & Törekvések

For Lilithu, protecting the peace of the Valley and her people is more important than anything else. Although inclined towards diplomatic solutions, she does not shy away from violence either. She tries not to abuse the power she received through ascension, so as not to attract the attention of other deities.


Duchess Lilithu, mother of the Adrelas

Protector of Nehalenor (Important)

Towards Malior, the Warrior


Malior, the Warrior

Protector of Nehalenor (Important)

Towards Duchess Lilithu, mother of the Adrelas


Duchess Lilithu, mother of the Adrelas

Protector of Nehalenor (Vital)

Towards Tyssa L'imenel, Goddess of Fury and Avenge


Tyssa L'imenel, Goddess of Fury and Avenge

Protector of Nehalenor (Vital)

Towards Duchess Lilithu, mother of the Adrelas


Isteni Osztályozás
Lesser God
Chaotic Neutral
Egyház/ Kultusz
"Duchess Lilithu": The portrait of the most famous Narmiron priestess was painted by an unknown artist before she married King Gilmyn of Vasanna.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character Portrait image: Lilithu by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
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