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Goliath Tribes Raid Ferryspring

The Goliath Tribes live in the Blasted Lands. The Blasted Lands are an area of Moyenne that was ravaged during the Age of Horrors and became a desolate wasteland prone to Wild Magic Storms. These Wild Magic Storms make it incredibly difficult to survive in the Blasted Lands and growing food is next to impossible. So the Goliath tribes have taken to raiding nearby villages in The Borderland Expanse for food and supplies that they cannot acquire in the Blasted Lands. One of the first major raids was on the village of Ferryspring in the Spring of 1567.

The Conflict


500 Goliaths were sent to raid Ferryspring in search of food and supplies. There were only 50 guards stationed at the village of Ferryspring. The guards primarily dealt with criminals and wild animals that wandered out of the Blasted Lands. They were completely unprepared for the 500 Goliaths that descended upon the village on that fateful spring evening in 1567.


Chaos erupted when the Goliaths attacked. The villagers fled in any and all directions, but they ran right into the various skirmish groups of Goliaths. The Goliaths went into a battle rage and sacked the whole village. After killing everyone who lived there and gathering up any supplies that could be found, they burned it to the ground.


The Goliaths raided enough food and supplies for several seasons from the village of Ferryspring. Now, the village of Ferryspring is nothing but rubble and piles of stone.  A single rider managed to escape the chaos and deliver news of the raid to the leaders of The Borderland Expanse.


The Borderlands Expanse has set a bounty on any Goliaths within their territory. The raids have continued, but none have been as destructive as the raid on Ferryspring. The guard has been increased throughout the towns and villages of the Borderland Expanse and the Blasted Lands are now heavily watched for any signs of the Goliaths or raids.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Goliaths Destroyed Ferryspring


Goliath Tribes


500 strong Goliaths (men and women)

50 guards, members of the The Borderlands Expanse's military that had been left to defend the village of Ferryspring.


It is unknown how many Goliaths were killed during this raid.  If any were killed, the Goliaths retrieved their bodies and returned to their homeland with them.

All of the members of The Borderlands Expanse's military were slaughtered during the raid.


The Goliaths were raiding Ferryspring with the hopes of acquiring food and supplies, which are difficult to find in the Blasted Lands.

The guards were intended to protect the village of Ferryspring from criminals and wild animals that manage to cross the river that borders the Blasted Lands.


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