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Nym'rog the Void Devourer

Nym'rog the Void Devourer is a gargantuan Astral Dreadnought, a monstrous entity covered from head to tail in layers of thick, spiked plates that exude an aura of pure terror. Constellations swirl in the depths of its single, malevolent eye, and its serpentine tail trails off into the silvery void of the Astral Plane. Its gnarled limbs end in magic-enhanced pincer claws that can shred through the very fabric of reality.   Nym'rog, an ancient and powerful Astral Horror, seeks to enter the Material Plane to feed on the negative emotions of its inhabitants. This entity thrives on fear, dread, chaos, and discord, using its abilities to influence and manipulate the minds of those in the Material Plane. Nym'rog's hunger is insatiable, and it views the Material Plane as a rich feeding ground, teeming with the emotional turmoil it craves.   Though Nym'rog cannot physically enter the Material Plane without the aid of a Star Spawn Seer, it uses its psychic abilities to project its influence across the planar boundaries. It whispers dark thoughts into the minds of susceptible individuals, inciting paranoia, hatred, and despair. Entire communities can fall into chaos as Nym'rog's insidious influence spreads, causing mistrust and violence among neighbors and allies.   The ultimate goal of Nym'rog the Void Devourer is to have the Star Spawn Seer open a pathway large enough for it to enter the Material Plane. Once there, Nym'rog would wreak havoc on an unprecedented scale, devouring the negative emotions of entire civilizations. If left unchecked, Nym'rog's presence could plunge the world into an age of darkness and despair, feeding its insatiable hunger and growing ever more powerful.   To avoid drawing Nym'rog's attention by speaking its true name, people across Everall refer to the Void Devourer by various nicknames and aliases. Commonly used names include "The Whispering Darkness," "The Chaos Bringer," and "The Shadow in the Stars." These epithets reflect Nym'rog's terrifying influence and the pervasive dread it spreads without directly invoking its malevolent presence. By using these aliases, the inhabitants of Everall hope to discuss the threat of Nym'rog without attracting its gaze.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Nym'rog, but several events in Everall's history have been linked to this entity.  

Plague of Shadows (1120 DA)

The Plague of Shadows occurred during the Age of Horrors and marked the beginning of a series of cataclysmic events that would forever change the history of Shadowhall, as Nym'rog's influence spread unchecked, sowing fear and discord across the realm. In the bustling city of Shadowhall in the Wyvernview Kingdom, a strange plague struck, causing people to see terrifying shadows and hear disembodied voices. The afflicted were driven to hysteria, believing they were haunted by malevolent spirits. Hospitals and temples overflowed with the tormented, and the city teetered on the brink of collapse. Healers and scholars, suspecting a supernatural cause, traced the plague to a hidden cult lair beneath the city, where a Star Spawn Seer was conducting rituals to amplify Nym'rog's influence. By purging the lair and performing counter-rituals, they dispelled the shadows and restored sanity to the populace.  

The Night of Whispers (1130 DA)

  The once-thriving dwarven stronghold of Shadowhall, nestled deep within the mountains, was once more besieged by an unseen malevolence. Citizens reported hearing eerie whispers in the dead of night, filling their minds with paranoia and dread. Families turned on each other, convinced of betrayal and deceit. The bustling marketplaces were reduced to chaos as fear took hold, leading to widespread violence and mistrust.   Temporary resolution came when a group of dwarven clerics and soldiers discovered a hidden cult devoted to Nym'rog, the Void Devourer, led by a disguised Star Spawn Seer. By disrupting their rituals and dispelling Nym'rog's influence, peace was seemingly restored to Shadowhall. However, the respite was short-lived.  

The Astral Rift (1150 DA)

  An Astral Rift opened up in a remote tunnel near Shadowhall, allowing Nym'rog's influence to flood back into the Material Plane. Astral Horrors began to pour into the kingdom. The Stoneward Sentinels led a desperate defense, holding the line against the invaders while clerics worked to close the rift. The Sentinels suffered significant casualties, but their bravery and sacrifice prevented the Horrors from reaching populated areas, eventually allowing the rift to be sealed. Though the rift was sealed, the horrors continued to plague Shadowhall and nearby settlements. Dark whispers and inexplicable violence became a grim part of daily life.  

Cleansing of Shadowhall (1379 DA)

  The struggle against Nym'rog's lingering influence persisted for over two centuries. Finally, the dwarves of Shadowhall, united by their unyielding resolve, were able to cleanse their home of the dark presence. Through powerful rituals, aided by artifacts discovered during their long battle, they eradicated the last vestiges of Nym'rog's malevolence. Shadowhall was free once more, but the scars and the ensuing centuries of torment would forever be etched into the history and memories of its people.

Personality Characteristics


Nym'rog the Void Devourer is an ancient and malevolent Astral Horror whose insatiable hunger drives it to seek entry into the Material Plane. It thrives on negative emotions—fear, dread, chaos, and discord—and views the Material Plane as a rich feeding ground teeming with emotional turmoil. Unable to physically enter without the aid of a Star Spawn Seer, Nym'rog uses its psychic abilities to project its influence across planar boundaries, sowing chaos and manipulating minds to incite paranoia and violence. Its ultimate goal is to have a pathway opened large enough for it to enter the Material Plane, where it can wreak unprecedented havoc and feed on the world's fears, growing ever more powerful.

Representation & Legacy

Nym'rog the Void Devourer is represented in Everall as a colossal, serpentine figure with a single, swirling eye filled with constellations, embodying the vast, consuming darkness of the Astral Plane. Symbols associated with Nym'rog include a black, spiked spiral and an eye encircled by chaotic stars, often found carved into hidden altars and cultist hideouts. Its influence manifests as a pervasive aura of dread and discord, infecting communities with paranoia, fear, and violence. Whispers in the night and sudden, inexplicable acts of madness are signs of Nym'rog's insidious reach, leaving entire regions destabilized and terrified. The cults dedicated to Nym'rog work tirelessly to weaken the barriers between the planes, seeking to unleash their dread master upon Everall, plunging the world into chaos.

Current Residence
Astral Sea

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