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Wyvernview Kingdom (Y-vern-vew)

The dwarven kingdom lies in the Wyvernview Kingdom. Since the Time of Horrors, they have allied with the humans near the Wyvernview mountains to help produce crops and be a source of trade for the dwarven craftsmen.   Wyvernview believes itself to the protector of the surrounding areas. Wyvernview rules over the settlements within the Wyvernview Mountains, but also believes all of those who received the Book of Common (given to all Kaers before the Hordes of Horrors attacked that could be found) to be a part of the Wyverview Kingdom.

Technological Level

  • Metalworking

Trade & Transport

Most trade occurs in Dhun Kalduhr, as the dwarves rarely leave their underground kingdom.  Some dwarven merchants will travel to the nearby human cities for grain and to trade farming tools and things that the local villages might need.
Geopolitical, Country
Major Exports
  • Metal goods (weapons, armor, tools)
  • Meat
  • Wool / Hides
Major Imports
  • Grain
Manufactured Items

Articles under Wyvernview Kingdom


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