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The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall

“Amidst the swirling chaos of the Astral Rift, where shadows writhe and darkness devours light, our people stood resolute. Though the name Nym'rog echoed like a curse upon our tongues, it was not fear that gripped us, but the unwavering strength of our unity. In the face of cosmic malevolence, it was our spirit, forged in the fires of adversity, that became the beacon of hope. May future generations remember, not only the battles fought but the enduring courage that saw us through the void.”   — Borin Stonefist, The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall
  The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall were purportedly written by Borin Stonefist, a renowned dwarven historian and cleric of Tetsu the Strong. Borin was one of the few survivors of the initial battle to close the Astral Rift that opened near Shadowhall in 1150 DA. After witnessing the horrors and enduring the decades-long struggle against Nym'rog the Void Devourer's influence, he took it upon himself to document the trials and tribulations faced by the dwarves of Shadowhall. The chronicles include personal accounts, military records, and supposed communications with the Astral Plane. Historians dispute the legitimacy of The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall, suggesting that it might have been created to glorify the heroes of Shadowhall or to serve as propaganda against future threats. There are even concerns that since Nym'rog is named in the book, it could inadvertently attract the attention of the Astral Horror or exacerbate its influence.   Published in 1187 DA, The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall by Borin Stonefist offers a comprehensive account of the Astral Rift and the dwarves' struggle against Nym'rog's influence. The book details events from the beginning of the Plague of Shadows in 1120 DA, through the Astral Rift's opening in 1150 DA, and the subsequent challenges faced by Shadowhall. Despite its extensive documentation of firsthand experiences, survivor interviews, and detailed records of battles and rituals, the publication did not immediately resolve the ongoing issues in Shadowhall. The region continued to suffer from the Rift's lingering corruption until its eventual cleansing in 1379 DA. Nonetheless, the chronicles became a valuable reference for those seeking to understand the nature of the threats and the history of the dwarves' resistance. Critics argue that Borin’s accounts may be biased or embellished due to his deep faith and desire to honor the dwarves' resilience, leading to ongoing debates about the authenticity and accuracy of the chronicles among scholars and historians.


The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall were created with several purposes in mind. Primarily, they aimed to provide a comprehensive historical record of the events surrounding the Astral Rift and Nym'rog's influence, preserving the trials and tribulations faced by the dwarves of Shadowhall for future generations. Written by Borin Stonefist, the document also sought to honor and memorialize the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought against the Void Devourer's malevolence. Additionally, it served as an educational resource, offering insights into the nature of astral threats and strategies for combating them, while also acting as a piece of propaganda to bolster dwarven morale and unity. Interwoven with themes of faith and perseverance, the chronicles reflect the teachings of Tetsu the Strong, emphasizing the role of divine guidance and personal courage in overcoming adversity.

Document Structure


In The Lost Chronicles of Shadowhall, Borin Stonefist references Echoes of the Astral Sea: Chronicles of a Mage's Descent to provide a broader context and a deeper understanding of the Astral Rift and the influence of Nym'rog. Borin acknowledges the personal account of Dorian Stormweaver as a crucial, albeit different, perspective on the astral disturbances. He uses Dorian's harrowing experiences to highlight the parallel horrors faced by those who ventured into the Astral Sea and the tangible impacts of these cosmic entities on the Material Plane.   Borin contrasts Stormweaver's mystical and personal journey with the historical and communal struggle of Shadowhall. He points out that while Stormweaver's narrative focuses on the direct, personal encounters with astral horrors and the corruptive nature of the Astral Sea, his own chronicles provide a comprehensive record of the dwarves' fight against the influence of Nym'rog. Borin's references underscore the multi-faceted nature of the threat, illustrating that the terror experienced in Shadowhall was part of a larger, more complex cosmic struggle involving both physical and metaphysical challenges. This juxtaposition serves to deepen readers' understanding of the profound and pervasive threat posed by Nym'rog and similar entities.

Record, Historical
Authoring Date
1187 DA


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