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Welcome to Everall

The History of Everall


The World of Everall was ravaged by the Age of Horrors 500 years ago. The Goddess Emera sent word through her messengers that, due to high levels of concentrated magic, a force of Wild Magic would be released. This Wild Magic might bring unexpected consequences to the world of Everall, and Emera told the people various ways that they might survive. Emera's Truth Seekers passed along this information and knowledge to as many people as they could reach before the Time of Horrors began. With the help of the Dwarves, many people chose to create underground living spaces, called Kaers, that the people could stay in during the most extreme waves of Wild Magic. In the last 200 years, the people of Everall have began to emerge from their Kaers or release themselves from their various forms of protection and begin to rebuild cities, towns, villages, farms, and various industries. Some Kaers still remain lost and sealed today, the people inside believing that it is still unsafe to risk being above ground.

The Age of Horrors affected many parts of life in Everall. One of the drastic changes was that most cities were wiped off the map, leaving behind only ruins in the wake of the Wild Magic. The landscape of Everall itself has changed. New mountains arose. Rivers dried up. Fertile land became scorched and desolate. The Fey realm temporarily merged with Everall and has left traces of the Fey throughout the lands. Magic can be unpredictable, especially in areas that Wild Magic is still strong like in the Blasted Lands.   Now, the Truth Seekers have begun searching out those groups of people they have record of in their Great Library, as well as seeking lost and sealed Kaers, or any groups of people that may have banded together after the Age of Horrors. Emera's Truth Seekers are searching for lost knowledge, mapping out the new landscapes, and documenting traditions and lore that has happened in these societies in the last 500 years.   A Truth Seeker has come to your village and spoken with your leaders in search of information for the Great Library. Your leaders decide to send a small group to accompany the Seeker back to the Great Library with a variety of important information and items related to your culture. You are selected to join this small group, and so you begin your journey to the Great Library, and if you are lucky, you might just get to see some of the world while you are at it.  

Choose Your Race

  The first step is to choose what race of people your character will come from. A variety of races dwell in the region of Moyenne from elves and dwarves to gnomes and halflings to humans and goliaths. There are even some strange beastwalker races that were created during the surge of Wild Magic during the Age of Horrors. Lizardfolk live along the rivers and act as traders between the various towns and villages. Orc (and their half-orc relations) travel the skys in their sky ships and also act as traders between the larger towns and cities. Even Fey have been spotted in the forests in Moyenne that must have gotten trapped here during the Age of Horrors.   Click here to find out more about the Player Races in Moyenne.  

Choose Your Class

  Your character has various skills and professions that they can come from. Classes range from skilled warriors to magic users to a mixture of both. Click here to find out more about Class Options available in Moyenne.  

Choose Your Background

  Characters are defined by much more than their race and class. They're individuals with their own stories, interests, connections, and capabilities beyond those that class and race define. This chapter expounds on the details that distinguish characters from one another, including the basics of name and physical description, the rules of backgrounds and languages, and the finer points of personality and alignment. When you are ready to work on your character's background, click here for more information.


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