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Midnight Mage

Midnight Mages have existed since before Onye Aloura. Founded in Dragol in 38 D.Y by Aidren, the first wizard.   The Midnight Mages are an organization that pushed magic and science to the cutting edge. Founded by the first wizard, whose own history is controversial. The Midnight mages within the organization are often on individual pursuits that are supported by the greater body. It's very rare that a group of mages join together in a study or experiment unless the result is beneficial for all parties involved.



The qualifications for becoming a midnight mage are that another midnight mage has to grandfather them into the organization. The nuances of that interaction greatly depend on the Age but usually, a young promising mage with potential who wants to learn of arts outside of what's accepted will find a Midnight Mage and apprentice under them.

Career Progression

The Career of a Midnight Mage varies greatly depending on the individual. Many Midnight Mages have already accomplished scientists, mages, arcanists, or otherwise successful in the field. What sets a Midnight Mage apart is their taboo application of those fields. Usually serving as an aid to a global superpower or launching a conspiracy of their own a Midnight Mages career path is destined for chaos.

Payment & Reimbursement

Mages are not uncommon in Evermoore, especially in later ages. However like in all jobs, the more mastery and expertise applied to the craft, the more respect and rewards in garners. Even though the Midnight Mages are Taboo, mysterious, and shrouded in an occult intrigue that only allures those brave enough to face the darkness, There is still a personal reward. A Midnight Mage can pursue any goal they want and with that freeing and terrifying concept they are rewarded shall they bring that goal to fruition.

Other Benefits

The only Benefit would be that those with an Evil alignment would probably hold the position with high respect. The Midnight Mages are not inherently seen as evil but are Infamous in the world of Evermoore, especially after the Dark Age. Due to the Actions of High King Henry Hawkhold at the start of the Dark Age, the Midnight Mages were outlawed in Onye Aloura. This caused the perception of them to go from a Famous and prestigious organization to an Infamous band of vagabond Mages.



The Midnight Mages' mission is to push the limits of magic and science, embracing forbidden and uncommon techniques in order to discover new realms of knowledge and comprehension. They operate on the outskirts of society, typically veiled in mystery, pursuing their individual aims while contributing to the collective growth of the magical arts. Midnight Mages seek to bring their chosen objectives to fulfillment, regardless of the devastation they may create in their wake, despite their reputation being damaged and their deeds eliciting both dread and interest.

Social Status

The Midnight Mages have a rather infamous social standing that is surrounded by mystery and controversy. Although they were formerly known and prominent, Onye Aloura's illegal status and the following connection to wandering magicians have had a considerable negative impact on their social position. They inspire both dread and interest in people because they are perceived as enigmatic characters acting outside of social conventions. Midnight Mages, however, may be revered and respected by individuals who are of an evil alignment or who have an interest in the occult. As a result, their social standing is complicatedly characterized by a blend of fame, notoriety, and a certain appeal for those who are drawn to magic's more unusual and evil sides


The Orginization known as the Midnight Mages is made up of a wide range of people that have an intense passion for magic and a desire to travel into the undiscovered and forbidden fields of the arcane arts. They draw both seasoned experts and driven young magicians looking for fresh learning opportunities. Although they may be few in number, the population is diverse in terms of age, background, and magical traditions, and they all share the desire to push beyond the limits of magic and science. This Diverse group creates a network of magicians, called the Mignight Mages. with the goal to defy expectations and embrace the mysterious worlds of the occult.


The Midnight Mages were established in Dragol in 38 D.Y. by Aidren, the first wizard, and have a long history that predates the arrival of Onye Aloura. The group has always been a pioneer in expanding knowledge and pushing the boundaries of arcane fields. When High King Henry Hawkhold outlawed them in Onye Aloura during the Dark Age, they underwent a tremendous change in reputation and went from being a famous and distinguished organization to an infamous gang of vagabond mages. Despite this, the Midnight Mages have remained committed to using magic in unorthodox ways.
The Midnight Queen has eternal allegiances with all the Midnight Mages. a cursed, everlasting being who claimed the title of the Shadowfell's Avatar.
No Demand, Very rare and Luxury position,
Throughout history, there have been fluctuations in the legal standing of the Midnight Mages in various nations, kingdoms, and realms. The organization has been seen differently in various regions, leading to variable degrees of legality with regard to its existence and operations. While certain jurisdictions may have encouraged and even supported the Midnight Mages' search for taboo knowledge and prohibited magic, others have labeled them as outlaws, outlawing their activities and watching them suspiciously. As a result, the legal standing of the Midnight Mages is a dynamic and ever-changing feature of their existence and continues to depend on the particular laws and attitudes prevalent in the individual regions they operate in.
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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)


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