
It is said they came from one of the planes of hell the Beastmen Stalk the parched lands of Demon Gulch and Bonehaven on the continent of Elabor it is said that dark magics created the massive crater that is in this wasteland and it is from here the Beastmen Sprung Forth in massive hoards to ravage the countryside. Templars of Alara keep watch over the wasteland that these Beastmen now call their home from Whitestorm Keep. Beastmen are particularly aggressive and prone to fits of rage, they are extremely brutal and generally have a disdain for all other humanoid life and pride themselves in displaying victims on sharpened poles or stakes to dry in the harsh sunlight of these lands. Beast men pride themselves in devouring the flesh of women and children, it is said their brutality knows no end

Basic Information


Beastmen Are Bipedal like man but far more muscular bearing heads that resemble Goats, Bulls or Wildabeast. They have Two legs and Two Arms.

Genetics and Reproduction

It's not Exactly Clear How Beastmen Reproduce but there are theories that they Empregnate captive females of Other humanoid species and should they give birth to a Beastman Child they are kept in Harems otherwise they are Killed and Eaten along with any young that are not beastmen.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby (1-2 Years), Child/Young (3-6 years), Teen (7-13 Years), Adult (14-40 Years), Old (41-50 years)

Ecology and Habitats

Beastmen come from the planes of Hell, they are Highly adaptable to the conditions of Heat, Humidity, and Extreme Cold. They have no optimal environment they adapt to the region they manifest in. In the case of Evermyst they have been incounterd in the greatest numbers on the continent of Elabor.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Beastmen are carnivorous and have a strong urge to eat Human and Humanoid Flesh.


Beastmen are aggressive and Genuinely evil-natured, they have a strong desire to demonstrate their dominance over other humanoid races they see as inferior and weak. They are Opportunistically Exploitive, Sadistic, and even Perverted.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Beastmen have a social pecking order that is fairly simple the Biggest and Baddest get the best. The weaker you are the Less you get. Beastmen often But heads, Brawl, and even fight to the death amongst each other for power and dominance.


Domestication is not believed possible. Beastmen would rather Die than be Subjugated by another Race.

Facial characteristics

Head of a Goat with Fur or hair about the neck and shoulders.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Beastmen can appear any place a portal or gate is opened between the Planes of Hell and Evermyst.

Average Intelligence

Average Human-Level Intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Beastmen possess Demon sight and can see up to 100 feet in total Darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Beastmen are Organized into Gangs these Gangs Typically have 1-3 Leader types these Gange often Band into Larger Clans led by the Most dominant gang leader. Power and Prestige within the clan usually only come from killing a rival leader.

Beauty Ideals

The only real thing beautiful to beastmen is seeing the Subjugation of lesser races under them. Brutality is Beautiful, Inflicting Pain is Joyful and Beautiful. Having Power and Control is Beautiful.

Gender Ideals

Beastmen are Just that "Beast-Men" to be female of any race is to serve a Beastman. There are no women or other genders only Birthing Vessels and if you are not a Beastman or a Subserviant Birthing vessel you are Dead or better yet food.

Courtship Ideals

There is no Courtship only Dominance and Subjegation or Die.

Relationship Ideals

Beastmen do not believe in Relationships other than the pecking order among other beastmen, Gangs, and Clans.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Basement speak Abbysal

Common Etiquette Rules

There is no real etiquette other than fighting for what you want and heading beastmen Stronger, More powerful or Influential than you unless you gett your chance to take what is theirs.

Common Dress Code

Beastmen have no dress code and do not wear clothing. They May wear Light or Medium type armor.
The Beastman by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
50 years
Average Height
6' feet to 7' feet tall.
Average Weight
240-300 Pounds
Average Physique
Muscular build, with Primnent horns
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their Body's flesh can range from Bronze to Red, or Grey. Their Hair and Fur can range from Black to Gray, Tan, or Brown.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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