
Written by Crafty_Dm

South of Arimar is the continent of Elabor. Home to Man, Dwarf, and smaller populations of Dragonborn and, Tortle, and lizardfolk can be found on Elabor. The Windward and Hammerhead Straights along with the Evermyst Sea touch its Northern Coastline, While the Forgotten Sea Dominates its southern Coastline, and its western tip looks onward to Ravager’s Isle and the Western Depths. Several regions of Swampland, considerable hills, and some high peak mountains along its Eastern regions and a lesser range on its western end the Continent is Divided with a small stretch of land or Isthmus connecting its eastern and western regions known as the Blackmoor Highlands. West of the Southern Isthmus is a large Desert that is mostly a wasteland Calld the Scorched Barrens with a massive crater created more than 900 years ago during the Scorch War that used to be called the Vaelside Thicket.
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